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About yaboibnuggs


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  1. Welcome dude, the forums and discord have some good guides for levelling combat stats, ask around as well if you need help
  2. I vote Thailand or the Philppines, a one week bender of a meetup
  3. Strength and Magic Lifting heavy things, and working with radio frequencies, which is honestly a form of wizardry "Sir, the invisible beams are not reaching their intended destination, I'm going to kick the box a few more times and see if that fixes it"
  4. Get into the only corner of my office that has service and hope I don't get yelled at
  5. Hell yeah brother, there's a few marines in the clan
  6. Welcome! What branch did you serve in?
  7. Welcome man! Congrats on expecting your firstborn!
  8. Welcome man! Hope to see you in an event soon
  9. Looking forward to Space Marines 2 this year, besides that RPGs, Baldurs Gate 3 has been my recent favorite
  10. Welcome! Excited to play with you
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