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Messages - Version

My Current Runescape IN-Game name is Version.
Previous names have been:
Ryans Soul
Dfs Pure I R

My Runescape history...
I started playing runescape roughly in 2005 and have been playing ever since. When I started playing runescape within
the first day I was lured for my bank, a bronze sword and wooden shield, being lure brought me to the wilderness. And have
been addicted ever since, I still remember those times in free to play finding teams in varrock wild etc etc. I have
always been a pker and always will be a  pker aslong as I play runescape. Recently I have not been playing as much
as I have lost interest with recent updates, and the wilderness being dead. But looking to get back on track and join
Wilderness Guardians. (Hopefully)

Soccer, Hockey, Partying, Playing Runescape, Friends, School
I really do not have any talents that I am proud of other than being able to chug alcohol quite well.
As for likes and dislikes, I am a quite chill person nothing really annoys me.

I have always known about Wilderness Guardians, with my clan experience I have to although with the recent runescape
video which has gone viral it had reminded me of you. With the recent closing of my previous clan I am in need of a Clan
to join.
I will be applying for Wilderness Guardians.

I have been in multiple clans while playing runescape. I would have to say that I have been in over 20 strong runescape clans
multi pking is what I play runescape for. The most recent clan that I was in which closed was.
Red Dragon Knights - I was in RDK for more than a year, the community was really enjoyable, near the end I
became a caller and in my opinion (not trying to sound cocky) I was quite good. RDK is old school like myself I really
do not believe in these new updates, weapons and such a good dds and whip gets the job done.

Yes - I have read all the rules of Wilderness Guardians and will abide by them.