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Topics - I PK Nak3d



My RuneScape Name: THE M B
My Previous RSNs: I PK Nak3d
Giant P0uch

My Combat Level: 92
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: Started playing runescape around 6 + years ago ,  my name is a name i changed to set up a clan not long ago because im fed up of clans that never pk , and decided to try set up my own.

I am 90 rc , and getting close to 91 . Been Getting 99 range also , level 98 now .

My past clans/teams and any current teams: BRR - left because lack of pkin

Demonic Plauge 60 + - left because of childish behaviour , and massive lack of pkin ( was warlord ).

Tune scape - Not enough pking

About me: My names James , i am 21 , from uk . Have got a son who is Nearly 2 , Spend alot of time with him etc , watching films , keeping fit . chilling with mates .

I heard about WG through: From other players , and seen on forums myself.
I want to join because: Sound like's a good pking clan and a good sensible clan .

Regarding the IRC, I am: Not yet familiar with IRC
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: my child