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My RuneScape Name: Bl3ddry
My Previous RSNs:
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: Ive been there on an off since classic, rs2 an took another break b4 eoc release, my account name was created off the tune Bled Dry from unearth one of my first metal bands I listened to back in the day. I enjoy pking for sure ive had my acc at 1 def ever since it was created until just now I went an picked up lunar diplomacy an temple of sennisten an got 50 def cause clearly in eoc u need a bit of def the bonus hp is too much to pass over.
My past/current clans/teams are: I havnt ever commited to a clan Ive always pked solo in edge or maybe check varr but generally stayed away from multi. I hope to widen my scope a little :D this way clan wars/ small havoc grps to own wildy is what im hopin for.
About me: Im 22, male from Quebec so first language french but fully bilingual, enjoy gym, computer games obv, welding, an like I said into heavy metal/metalcore/deathcore music stuff 80% of you wont enjoy. Not into the mainstream stuff that plays on radio or in clubs lawl ill deal wit it but ya.

I heard about SG through: Youtube
I want to join because: I want a solid grp to rely on for makin some bank an tearing up wildy / clan fights

Regarding the IRC, I am: Registered (mIRC or other client user)
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: Im currently welding 40-50 hrs a week but im usually on after but if i rock a 12hr shift i mean i cant promise ill be a 100% show you know but ill do my best to be another solid core member to your clan.