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Topics - superonyxfire



My RuneScape Name: Im_kill_In
My Previous RSNs: saundeat

My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: Currently, I have the account Im_kill_In under my belt, but the majority of my runescape experience lies in MarkAntonyII and jeremyfromcl. Jeremyfromcl was banned falsely from Botwatch, and unfortunatly will not be unbanned. I created the account in 2008 but have been playing since 2006. My new account, in it's infancy, is MarkAntonyII. I plan to strengthen that character and replace Im_Kill_In, who I will be using if accepted into the Wilderness Guardians.
My past/current clans/teams are: My clans history was nothing serious within runescape. I may have joined some temporarily in my history, but nothing I can remember. I have no affiliation with any clan on my account.
About me: my name is Andrew, male, 17 years old. I live in the United states. I grew up around the world, born in Puerto Rico, my parents lived and grew up in Minnesota and Kentucky. I grew up in Germany, in there I visited a lot of the world, and moved to America again, where I am currently. I have a fascination with history, and in particular, reenacting a roman legionary from 1st century AD with my roman legion, legio XX. their website is here: http://larp.com/legioxx/ . I recently started playing runescape again, this time it felt different from my usual relapse, it felt like home again. I have recently gotten into Iron Maiden and listen to it frequently, I love that stuff and before that and now I listen to many forms of electric.

I heard about SG through: I watched his lordship's video on the death of runescape.
I want to join because: I enjoy the thought of pking and an active, friendly clan such as this one.

Regarding the IRC, I am: Not yet familiar with IRC
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: My AP National Exam is on May 15, dates surrounding it may be fuzzy, but afterwards the only things preventing me are average school stuff, bedtimes and so on, but this summer, oh man, you better believe I will be clocking in hours to train my new character and replace Im_kill_In!!!