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Topics - ouder



My RuneScape Name: Ouder
My Previous RSNs: Haguehound
Joining for PvP events: No
My Combat Level: 80
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: I joined Runescape around may 31 2006, to be honest I can't remember any exact dates but it's around that time because I remember the construction skill being released. I've been playing on and off through out my school carrier starting off with the name "Haguehound", this was the name of my uncle's dogwalking service which I found befitting and it kinda stuck. Later on I wanted another username and came up with "Ouder" de reason for that is because I wanted an existing word as username but since most english words were taken I chose to go with a dutch word, it means older. I guess I was just too stubborn since I don't really like the name anyways haha.

My past clans/teams and any current teams: I would name all the clans I've been in, but they were all social clans. I'm embarassed to say I can't vividly remember any names... And they were all RS3 based.

About me: My name is Vincent I'm 18 years old, male. I come from Holland and my hobbies are mostly gaming and sports. I'd say I 'm most talented in drawing. I like gaming, hanging out with friends, the standard stuff. I dislike most vegetables and ignorance.

I heard about WG through: Through His Lordship's video's
I want to join because: Well I'd start off by being real honest with you and say I'm really curious thanks to the name the clan has made for itself. I've had fun in social clans but I want to try out PvPing in a friendly environment and learning a thing or two while I'm at it. Also His Lordship's video's made me wanna join, he seems like a dedicated leader and an upstanding guy. XD And finally the PvP aspect, I haven't ticked the box yet because I want to join in PvP events when the time is right. I feel like my stats and gear are just not where it should be for me to be a useful comrad so to say. I do plan on changing that in the future though. :)

Regarding the IRC, I am: Not yet familiar with IRC
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Not Yet Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: My study might