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Topics - Boy Faced Dog



My RuneScape Name: Yay_Area_Pk
My Previous RSNs: 2_High2_PK, Free_Deaths
Interested in PvP: Yes
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: I started in 06, been on and off since then but when I do go on I am usually pking or doing things that will enable me to access more stuff to pk with. my favorite activites besides pking are.... well i dont really have any. maybe rev hunting or something.
Yay area is the Bay area, where im from

My past/current clans/teams are:
About me: I like go carting, longboarding, and SC2, My names Justin. Im 21, I like hip hop, edm, and some metal. I like boating and being outdoors. Im from the bay area which is like SF and Oakland in California. I dislike mud. and girls who shouldn't be wearing yoga pants

I heard about WG through: Online Random Search
I want to join because: PKing

Regarding the IRC, I am: Registered (SwiftKit user)
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Not Yet Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: Work or School