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Topics - mr_wako



My RuneScape Name: Mr_wako
My Previous RSNs: Kighty_Kight

Joining for PvP events: No
My Combat Level: 86
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: My first account ever was in 2007/2008 timeframe I created an account kighty_kight to whom is still functional but not played on for rs3. The name was supposed to be Knighty_knight it was a play on words nighty night; good night. I was roughly 14 when I created that name. Upon further interest of a better name due to lack of people able to pronounce my username, I came up with something a bit more distinct that would follow me to this day and it only became available to use when OSRS started once again. (I had already had this username but was quickly taken in Runescape.) MR_Wako is my user in many forms of gaming mainly PlayStation. the name came from my ADHD, I would be called crazy, hyper, off the wall. Furthermore there I was Mr_wako (mr_crazy).

My past clans/teams and any current teams: The clan's that I have joined previously are some to be unnamed due to lack of remembrance/shortcoming's. the major one I remember pvp'ing would be iBl1zzardI. unfortunately that is all I can recall.

About me: First things first, my name is Tyler S; I am a 21yr old United States Marine stationed in Okinawa, Japan. The home state that I grew up in would be named Maryland. Due to my duties I am unable to play as much as I desire. My hobbies consist of a vast majority of things that are of the norm, but one thing That is close to me is physical fitness; working out perfecting/ surpassing human average physical standards. 

I heard about WG through: oldschool runescape forums
I want to join because: I have been trying to find a clan to which had the slightest amount of respect for themselves and acted appropriately. Due to being overseas in Japan I am 13 hours ahead of my Friends in time. Just looking for a clan to grow with as They Grow ultimately.

Regarding the IRC, I am: Not yet familiar with IRC
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Not Yet Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: Military Service