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Topics - Sin Cara



My RuneScape Name: Sin Cara
My Previous RSNs: Kraid, Zenstoren, Zen Sabre
Joining for PvP events: Yes
My Combat Level: 86
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: I joined around 2007. Sin Cara means my 'Without a face' in Spanish, and is the name of my favourite mexican luchador. Google him if you don't know who he is, quite impressive! My favourite RS past times are Slayer, bossing and PvP.

! No longer available

My past clans/teams and any current teams: The Sabres, Wilderness Guardians

About me:

My name is Michael, I'm 20 and I live in Scotland. Right now I am studying Criminology and Edinburgh Napier university. I am in a band called Penrose Triangle and I have recently just got back into Runescape. I have no desire whatsoever to play RS3, so I am going to stick with OSRS. I am a novice bodybuilder. I have been lifting for about 8 months :)

I am a massive fan of the Dark Souls franchise too!

I heard about WG through: I have been a member before
I want to join because: To be part of a great community.

Regarding the IRC, I am: Registered (mIRC or other client user)
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: During exam time, I may be busy, but that's not for a few months yet :P