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Topics - Jackhimself



My RuneScape Name: sC Cody
My Previous RSNs:
Joining for PvP events: No
My Combat Level: 101
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: started playing awhile back in 07 but just recently started playing again with friends. my favorite skills are ranged,slayer and mage

My past clans/teams and any current teams: My previous clan was sC (stink cock) it was a small clan of family and friends

About me: My name is cody, i am male,23 i live in canada

I heard about WG through: I heard through my cousin leon
I want to join because: He said there was events and quite a lot of poeple in this clan so i wanted to try out

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: most likely baby/school would impact me the most