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Messages - Patty

Blogs / Re: Incitement's Blog
June 06, 2014, 08:37:30 AM
That's a lot of monks O.o
Quote from: JC on June 01, 2014, 11:45:28 PM
Quote from: Patty on June 01, 2014, 10:36:30 PM
Yeah glad I didn't waste the extra money on 780, for 1080p 770 is absoultely fine :3. Yeah I'm just a lazy ass student so I have plenty of time for gaming :>, but if you do upgrade I can reccomend the 770 (even though the 800 series will probably be out soon enough so maybe it's worth waiting.)

Ah the good old conundrum with IT equipment - 'But the new one is only a few months away' :3

Probably will go for the 870 though (assuming it fits in the same price bracket as a 770 with a performance bump of course), the 750/750 Ti is supposedly using similar tech to what we can expect in the 800 series and they've got pretty incredible performance per watt so we can probably expect some pretty awesome cards.

A 780 would have been pretty overkill for 1080p - I didn't realise you were running such a low res, you should upgrade your screen now ##
lol I just bought this monitor like 6 months ago :(, fucking technology!
Yeah glad I didn't waste the extra money on 780, for 1080p 770 is absoultely fine :3. Yeah I'm just a lazy ass student so I have plenty of time for gaming :>, but if you do upgrade I can reccomend the 770 (even though the 800 series will probably be out soon enough so maybe it's worth waiting.)
Quote from: JC on June 01, 2014, 07:47:26 AM
Quote from: Patty on May 31, 2014, 11:27:28 PM
Quote from: Mojohaza1 on May 31, 2014, 07:28:22 AM
looks like a good set up :)

What's the boot speed now?
Counted 11 seconds from the Motherboard boot screen to being into windows

It's nice isn't it, obviously the benefits aren't just restricted to boot up time but it is great when it barely manages to fully load the Windows logo before it's done :3

Looks like a good rig, I'd be curious to see how that runs some proper games (no guys, RS does not count....) especially at 1080p - I'd imagine it would be at or close to max graphics on pretty much everything.
So far the only thing that's given me too much trouble is Metro 2033, but that's bad optimization. Tried Metro Last light, Farcry 3, BF3 and Watchdogs Thus far, can play all on ultra (minus some things like x16 anti aliasing) at solid 60.
Quote from: Mojohaza1 on May 31, 2014, 07:28:22 AM
looks like a good set up :)

What's the boot speed now?
Counted 11 seconds from the Motherboard boot screen to being into windows

:3 got an SSD too! omg boot speed is insane, and my computer is like sooooo much quieter now... It's like scary in comparison

Will find what the safest cpu OC is I can get and muck around with OCing video card and get some benchmark on games.


Oh and playtech managed to stuff up and send me ripjaw RAM when I payed for Budget range, free $60 :3.
Quote from: Mojohaza1 on May 28, 2014, 01:13:14 AM
looks expensive o.O
Yeah but it'll be fairly future proof, will last next 6 years or whatever of this console generation :).
:3 hey qtpi, my build is getting a bit old (q6600 with a 750ti I chucked in recently as a temp replacement to my old card that died.)

opinions? Is anything a bottleneck? Rather not spend MUCH more than that, but if any suggestions for changes are appreciated.

(Not retarded already have other components.)
House of Random / Re: WTF?
May 27, 2014, 09:40:41 AM
Quote from: Al on May 27, 2014, 09:31:11 AM
Is this supposed to be funny? To even think of it, let alone take the time to sit at your desk, draw it out, and post it to see what others think about it?

I feel like this could be one of those scenarios in the movie Divergent, where they force you into a dream-state to face your three worst fears. To break the fear I would try to knock off the door knob and use it to jam the conveyor belt. Or, if it was only a standard door, several kicks to the door-knob-area effectively breaks the lock.
if THAT upsets you, I sugget you never EVER go to /b/
House of Random / Re: WTF?
May 27, 2014, 06:49:46 AM
that's 4chan for you
Accepted. :-)
Gaming / Re: League Tournament
May 23, 2014, 07:05:44 AM
Gaming / Re: League Tournament
May 22, 2014, 11:58:54 PM
>didn't even ask me to sign up
:3 <3
Blogs / Re: Emeris6's Blog
May 21, 2014, 07:22:31 AM
Nice going :).
:(. Sorry pal, GL rebuilding.
House of Random / Re: Press Ctrl+V
May 19, 2014, 07:08:09 AM
'WG Staff Channel - Add to auto-join'
* Set by Mojohaza1!~Mojohaza1@Swift-A
Blogs / Re: Patty's Road to max
May 17, 2014, 10:08:39 AM
Quote from: Rodney75 on May 17, 2014, 08:32:39 AM
You've been going for it 1 year 2 months... Get it already brah.
Maybe I'm being courteous and waiting for you first ;)
Blogs / Re: Mojo on 07Scape
May 17, 2014, 12:28:06 AM
wow ur so good mojo!
Blogs / Re: Patty's Road to max
May 17, 2014, 12:17:55 AM
Yeah too lazy to find all the pics :3

400m Total xp:

Current stats:

Blogs / Re: Emeris6's Blog
May 17, 2014, 12:08:15 AM
Awesome :]
Quote from: Ts Stormrage on May 14, 2014, 07:02:29 AM

I dont even got an on-hand one!
lol newfag
should be Trimmed comp req plz
Real Life Discussion / Re: Runner's Knee
May 13, 2014, 09:40:32 AM
Hello Doctor Patrick here, I prescribe being a lazy cunt and sitting on runescape all day :-).
House of Random / Re: I am going
May 11, 2014, 02:41:20 AM
When did she turn into a weeaboo???