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Messages - BeeBee

Real Life Discussion / Re: da hek
June 11, 2013, 05:05:35 PM
o hi
Join the Clan / Re: application~~~
June 11, 2013, 08:03:37 AM
RuneScape Discussion / Re: Bringing back Pre-EOC?
June 09, 2013, 10:31:31 PM
Bring back Rs 2004
RuneScape Discussion / Re: Bringing back Pre-EOC?
June 09, 2013, 08:14:37 PM
I only play RS for clanning/pvp nowadays.

2012 P2P was easy. Brutality Final PK Trip old rs
No one should be able to survive that long in P2P cluster and I didn't even have a yak

Join the Clan / Re: Ghandi's Second Application
June 09, 2013, 08:11:48 PM
Were you told why you were declined last time?
Join the Clan / Re: Longhorn143's Return.
June 09, 2013, 03:12:15 PM
Quote from: Rachellove9 on June 09, 2013, 02:54:49 PM
Hi Steven.

Interesting read.  I'll enjoy talking to you. 
Do you recall who else was in the clan with you at the time you were in?
I recall a lot of Steve's and Steven's but I don't recall your rsn.
I was.
Join the Clan / Re: Longhorn143's Return.
June 09, 2013, 02:39:18 PM
Hey pal.
Clan World Discussion / Re: Top 10/20
June 09, 2013, 02:30:13 PM
1.   Dark slayers (???/???) - Dead
2.   Gladiatorz (112cb/282mem) - Alive-ish
3.   Damage Inc (120cb/183mem) - Alive
4.   Runescape Dinasty (119cb/194mem) - Dead
5.   'The' (110cb/237mem) - Alive-ish
6.   Anarchy (???/???) - Dead
7.   Corruption (109cb/188mem) - Dead
8.   Mystic Knights (112cb/134mem) - Dead
9.   TRWF (110cb/177mem) - Dead
10. Sacred Templars (112cb/149mem) - Dead
11. Followers of Malkav (???/???) - Dead
12. BlacKnights (110cb/170mem) - Dead
13. Echo of Silence (107cb/146mem) - Alive
14. Rune Raiders (???/???) - Dead
15. Wilderness Guardians (99cb/229mem) - Alive
16. Demonic Empire (107cb/155mem) - Dead
17. Fear (99cb/162mem) - Dead
18. TMRD (???/???) - Community
19. Black Dragons (102cb/183mem) - Dead
20. Divine Forces (103cb/114mem) - Alive
21. Dead on Arrival (107cb/113mem) - Dead
22. Valor (101cb/134mem) - Dead
23. The Futures (95cb/195mem) - Dead
24. Phobia (84cb/382mem) - Dead
25. DeathRow (102cb/120mem) - Dead

1:: Dark Slayers (123cb/174mem) - Dead
2:: Damage Incorporated (123cb/119mem) - Alive
3:: Corruption (119cb/193mem) - Dead
4:: Divine Forces (117cb/131mem) - Alive
5:: 'THE' Clan (116cb/224mem) - Alive-ish
6:: The Runescape Warhunger Federation (119cb/155) - Dead
7:: Runescape Dinasty (122cb/116mem) - Dead
--- Insert Lithuanian Forces --- (116cb/172mem) - RIP LITHS
8:: Eternal Honour (117cb/126mem) - Dead
9:: Violent Resolution (116cb/137mem) - Alive
10:: The Gladiatorz (118cb/142mem) - Alive-ish
11:: Chivalry Legions (117cb/132mem) - Disappeared
12:: The Mighty Red Dragons (117cb/126mem) - Community
13:: Anarchy (???/???) - Dead
14:: BlacKnights (116cb/143mem) - Dead
15:: Collision (114cb/102mem) - Alive but havent had a fight in forever
16:: Red Devil Clan (115cb/106mem) - Dead
17:: The Futures (106cb/121mem) - Dead
18:: The Titans (119cb/84mem)- Alive
19:: Moriquendi (???/???) - Dead
20:: Echo of Silence (119cb/84mem) - Alive
21:: Runescape Elites (113cb/98mem) - Dead
22:: Adelais (103cb/100mem) - Dead
23:: Exercitum (117cb/65mem) - Dead
24:: Mystic Knights (118cb/80mem) - Dead
25:: Master of Dragons (110cb/109mem) - Dead

Quite shocking when you actually look at it how many clans from the golden era are gone or alive-ish (inactive/tiny).
Real Life Discussion / Re: The Runescape Workout
June 08, 2013, 07:08:43 PM
Needs more cowbell.
RuneScape Discussion / Re: Dat Scythe!
June 08, 2013, 09:58:21 AM
Quote from: Pacman Syu on June 08, 2013, 02:28:57 AM
Joined this morning and ended up getting ranked and taking over a bit, hehe. Finally got my scythe in Edgeville thanks to Mod Mat K as well. Made a shoutout to WG on Mod Mat K's twitch stream too! He read it out loud and said something about Lordy that I didn't catch.
#1 f2p / p2p,
Join the Clan / Re: Matt Intro
June 08, 2013, 02:03:17 AM
But I don't.

I know this name from outside of WG. Did you do any sort of p2p clanning? And get part 5 done!
Join the Clan / Re: Matt Intro
June 08, 2013, 01:50:18 AM
Why do I feel like I know the RSN M at t

Were you in Brutality? Have you applied for any other teams recently? I definitely know the name.
Join the Clan / Re: Matt Intro
June 07, 2013, 09:16:29 PM
We have a few LoL players here. What league are you? Creeper is our king (plat I)!

Good Luck.
House of Random / Re: Press Ctrl+V
June 07, 2013, 08:36:13 PM

(When talking about "Is it ok to wank in the school toilets?")
RuneScape Discussion / Re: Dat Scythe!
June 06, 2013, 06:47:15 PM
Why is your account locked cunt?

Grats Tyler!
Really? Not impressed.
Guest Lounge / Re: Ohi :p
June 04, 2013, 04:28:07 PM
Join the Clan / Re: Intro
June 04, 2013, 04:24:15 PM
You got kicked for inactivity very recently, what has changed to make you active?

Fix the app up in terms of questions and depth and your application can be considered.
House of Random / Re: KEITH
June 03, 2013, 09:35:55 PM
Quote from: This Babylon on June 03, 2013, 04:20:58 PM
seriously, what happened to this board, it used to be the /b/ of wg, now its as stale as a piece of toast thats been left out for 6 days
It also used to be a fun board that wasn't /b/ of WG.
Join the Clan / Re: toned's application
June 03, 2013, 08:39:58 PM
Curious when you were Corr. I'm quite good mates with a Corr council around 2009. Buzzhed?
Join the Clan / Re: toned's application
June 03, 2013, 06:50:25 PM
Hi <3

Remember you from 2010 allied raids ;)
Just talking to Ross about you now.
