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Messages - Mark

Technical Support / Re: Thinking of getting a new phone
January 23, 2012, 01:47:33 AM
Topic was 2 months ago L
Achievements / Re: Loots from past 2 days.
January 22, 2012, 10:08:59 PM
Quote from: Owen on January 22, 2012, 09:51:43 PM
Dharok's Greataxe, lolz
Fgt from FF yakked the rest of the set :[
Achievements / Loots from past 2 days.
January 22, 2012, 09:23:19 PM

Just sayin'. Shits alot easier when you scout.

O and, turns out i missed out on like 2 kills according to this lolz. Didnt even notice

Tuf mad Tuf Sad
Real Life Discussion / Re: MegaUpload Dangerous Secrets
January 21, 2012, 09:51:19 PM
NZ #1
Gaming / Re: Campers
January 20, 2012, 09:17:12 AM
Quote from: JC on January 20, 2012, 08:09:36 AM
Quote from: Mark on January 19, 2012, 12:24:57 AM
Battlefield 3.

Though there's camperfags in BF3 too :3

Then you just go and knife them because getting knifed is just so humilating. Camper don't camp no mo'
Gaming / Re: Campers
January 20, 2012, 06:53:05 AM
Only you would complain about Campers :L

Edit: With 10 paragraphs
Quote from: JC on January 20, 2012, 04:56:07 AM
Don't forget RS passwords aren't case sensitive :3

Guest Lounge / Re: Inactivity Sweep 19/01/2012
January 20, 2012, 12:20:12 AM
slipknot might have posted inactivity.

Good job
Guides / Re: Guides [Nex/Glacors/Arma/Dung/MA]
January 19, 2012, 09:56:26 PM
Greenmans Ale Brewing guide added. ~600k per week or something
RuneScape Discussion / Re: GF Bank
January 19, 2012, 08:32:24 PM
Join the Clan / Re: Joining clan sunnydragon
January 19, 2012, 09:05:10 AM
o Welfarers, do you remember getting barraged/chinned at GWASLEDGE? Hello down there :)

^ At least 20 times
House of Random / Re: poop
January 19, 2012, 08:01:51 AM
House of Random / Re: jet pack fail on news.
January 19, 2012, 07:19:02 AM
Quote from: Kat on January 19, 2012, 07:08:58 AM
Quote from: Mark on January 19, 2012, 06:09:35 AM
move here hair flipper! ill let you live in hick town with the rest of randy's family xD
From what I've heard those beasts are savages and attack you for pennies
House of Random / Re: Valhall
January 19, 2012, 06:11:17 AM
I think i saw you, that was you right? cool
House of Random / Re: jet pack fail on news.
January 19, 2012, 06:09:35 AM
Gaming / Re: Campers
January 19, 2012, 12:24:57 AM
Battlefield 3.
Media and Comedy / Re: Amazing RSC Troll
January 18, 2012, 10:45:17 PM
Did Irock post on RSC this time?
Guides / Re: Guides [Nex/Glacors/Arma/Dung/MA]
January 18, 2012, 10:43:46 PM
Quote from: Bam on January 18, 2012, 08:11:21 PM
what's glacors and what does it drop?

Steadfast boots (new d boots) = 50m
Ragefire boots (new infin boots) = like 10m or something
Glaiven boots (new ranger boots) = 30m?

+ Shards to make runes for Storm of Armadyl spell
Real Life Discussion / Re: Fight SOPA and PIPA
January 18, 2012, 09:59:47 PM
Media and Comedy / Re: Motivational Speech.
January 16, 2012, 10:21:01 PM
What a hero, was that braveheart?
Guides / Re: Guides [Nex/Glacors/Arma/Dung]
January 16, 2012, 12:09:58 PM
Messing with the coding so bad L. Mobilising Armys added
Guides / Re: Guides (Stolen from PSO Forums)
January 16, 2012, 12:00:06 AM
Works in progress ill add more later

[spoiler]Nex consists of 5 phases, each are different if their own way and can all be potentially dangerous.


This is a screenshot showing the amount of Brews/Restores for a DIVINE Setup

The gear can obviously be substituted for Armadyl instead of Pernix and Ranger boots instead of Glaiven and Rings can be switched too.

This is a screenshot showing the amount of Brews/Restores for Eagle Eye Kiteshield/Elysian Spirit Shield Setup

The gear can obviously be substituted for Armadyl instead of Pernix and Ranger boots instead of Glaiven and Rings can be switched too.

Getting there and preparations
To reach her, players must first open the frozen door. It can be unlocked by assembling a frozen key. To get a key, one must access all of the other gods' strongholds (Armadyl, Bandos, Saradomin and Zamorak) and defeat followers until they receive a key part. Accessing the boss rooms is not necessary. To get in the other strongholds, the player will need 70 Ranged, Strength, Agility and Constitution (note that some skills may be boosted). When assembled, the parts make a frozen key with five charges to open the frozen door. The key can be repaired for a cost of 50,000 coins per charge. When the frozen door is unlocked, the player must climb down the rope and squeeze through the hole in the wall and run past the monsters in there (some wont attack you depending on your defence bonus'). It is recommended to Pray Mage while running through and when you reach the door you switch to your Full Ceremonial gear which consists of Mask, Top, Skirt, Gloves and Boots. Some people like to take a Pack Yak pouch with some scrolls and summoning and banking the frozen key before climbing through the hole in the wall incase you do get attacked and die because if you do not keep your frozen key it will be extremely hard to return you loot your items. Also if you disconnect and die so you don't have the option to protect what you want, the frozen key DOES NOT protect on your grave.

To avoid being spammed hit by all the creatures within the kc room if you need to have the following defence stats only the Mage's will attack as this will save you from dying in the kc room:

240+ crush defence
100+ magic defence
230+ range defence

Unlike in the other strongholds of the God Wars Dungeon, there is a bank in the Ancient Prison, accessed via the nature spirit Ashuelot Reis. This bank may only be accessed after a killcount of 40 Zaros followers has been reached or by using full ancient ceremonial. It is located between the main room and the boss room of the stronghold. It functions like a safe area where players can't be attacked and can refill on supplies before fighting Nex. However, there is no altar within the boss chamber, and the only way out of the chamber is to teleport or be slain.

Killing Nex

Start+Smoke Phase

[spoiler]Before Nex spawns if you need to Overload you can do the 'Overload Glitch'

This glitch consists of you taking a sip of Overload and hitting the 'Log out to lobby' button ASAP, the overload will only deal you for 100 damage instead of 500, which will obvious be a lot more effective.
When logging back in make sure you are in the right world and make sure to put your Lootshare/Coinshare back on!

First phase - (smoke phase) -

This is the phase on which every kill starts. Every1 stays melee distance of Nex spawn place with claws on ready to special. After everyone individually have specced with dragon claws twice, he or she keeps melee distance and using range and ruby bolts(e). It is really important in this time to keep melee disntace. Once Nex unlocks Fumus (Fumus don't fail me) every1 runs to north west corner as fast as possible and DD on melee distance from Fumus. A lurer stays at centre luring spot getting Nex on him so that Nex stays away from the rest of the team. While killing Fumus the team should dd 2steps from Fumus diagonally

What you should be aware of?
-After speccing Nex make sure to take a quick sip of a spec recover to get you to have 2 specs on blood phase. During smoke phase its really important to keep melee distance because if you are not Nex will aim you, not only you will get damage but Nex will start using Magic only and the whole team will get hurt;p There is 1 more thing very important to do individually - DO NOT stay at middle centre when Nex says "There is no escape" or you will be cought by the trap and hits vary from 0 to 680 (Thats the highest I have seen in my experience could be more)[/spoiler]

After Fumus is dead, change your prayer to Protect Range Attacks it helps a lot.

Shadow Phase

Second phase - (shadow phase)
During this phase it is in your advantage to stay away from Nex. Basically all you have to do is keep hitting Nex. Ruby (e) are prefer over Diamonds (e). There is a way to move from Nex while you tank and get no damage ( I will show this in game ). The best place to do this phase is at glacies area because lurer after Umbra is unlocked will keep Nex away from other players for sure. In the best way, the lurer should be the one who Nex is on at that time. While all run to umbra he (the lurer) will keep Nex away from the rest of the team.

What you should be awared of?

Stay away from Nex or you will get constant damage on you. The worst trap in this phase is shadow trap which appears under your character. In this trap all you have to do to avoid it is just move. Sounds simple? not really ;p the trick is you have to move in no time. As soon as you see the trap under you or you will get damage up to 599 if you dont even click with your mouse. My personal best tip on this phase is to watch Nex's head during the kill and when she says something click away and watch your feet.


After Umbra is dead, make sure to switch back to Magic Prayer and get your claws/piety on ready to spec Nex after she has siphoned.

Blood Phase
Third phase - (blood phase) -
This looks to be the most complicated phase for all players.Once Umbra is dead make sure you let lurer know that. His task is to lure Nex as close as possible to entrance stairs(mostly 1 or no reavers during syphone spawned). Most important in this phase is melee distance. Making Nex moving if you are not md is really not wise, you can get kicked for doing it even once in a pro team. In this phase you stay md and kill Nex until Nex says (I demand ..... ) once Nex says it you have 10 seconds (5 ccb hits on rapid style) before Nex syphones. After those 10 seconds during the syphone any damage you do on Nex will heal her. It is really important that you never ever hit Nex during syphone. If you lose count go for a reaver its your best bet you can take at that moment if you forgot to count or not 100% sure. During the syphone hit a reaver (the closest one) because Nex heals from the hitpoints left on the reavers during the syphone. You want to stay away from the person tanking Nex on this phase because not only he but all around him gets damage. Also Nex heals from the damage it does during this phase. Ruby (e) recommended. WHILE KILLING CRUOR MAKE SURE TO SPREAD OUT AS NEX'S ATTACK IS A BLOOD BARRAGE.

To be aware of -
Do not hit Nex immediatelly after it has been tagged. 99.9% it syphones immediatelly after tag and spawns reavers. Recommended use dragon claws specials after that syphone. Stay melee distance. Learn to count every hit after Nex demands blood on surface.


After Cruor is dead stay MD from Nex.

Ice Phase

[spoiler]Fourth phase - ( Ice phase )
Before you tag Nex to swich on Ice phase you should have decided with your team where to do that either at Cruor area or Glacies area. Both have advantages and disadvantages. I personally prefer tagging at Glacies (some would say waste of prayer moving there but I have my reasons). There are different lures you can do during this phase and many attacks to be awared of. Basically with 6 man team your goal will be to stay melee distance, run from "contain this" trap (1 stop behind is enough if the guy who Nex is on just stays for a sec before moving which makes sure that Nex wont move while doing the trap. . Also the worst trap you can get during this phase is Stalagmites trap( DIE NOW IN A PRISON OF ICE says Nex). In this trap your team mates should open the trap very fast (you can try by your own too but in both cases make sure you have 950+hp before doing anything if you do and your team mates are trying to open the trap do spam click to run out if it opens). You can get a very high damage in that trap. Killing glacies recommended if possible walk Nex if not just stay away. Ruby (e) recommended.

Aware of :
Stay melee distance, always try to free your team mate from stalagmites trap, not necessery to run far away from contain trap.

Once Glacies has been killed, you tag Nex for its last phase[/spoiler]

Switch to your diamond bolts (e) for Glacies and kill him off while watching out for Nex's attacks.

Last Phase - Zaros Phase

[spoiler]Fifth phase ( Zaros phase )
Keep using your bolts to Diamonds (e) during this kill. Once Nex has been tagged everyone runs to melee distance. If there is someone not melee distance Nex tanks him automatically and uses magic so every1 gets damage. During this phase Nex will tank the one with lowest levels(def/magic) or bonuses player. Recommended to use protect Melee if you tank. Wise in this situtation is a guy with Divine and Sol to tank Nex. If not it will be random tank. Once Nex dies run away from its wrath.

To be aware of -
Make sure you are melee distance, if not you force tank. If you want to Spec Claws during this phase the most suitable is after Deflect melee goes off because if you do not pay attention you can suicide yourself ;p


[spoiler]Nex is an extremely powerful boss and can quite easily one hit you on various occasions throughout the kill like on the Shadow Phase or when you stuck in an Ice Prison.

If you do die in Nex it is fine as you can get back extremely fast using the Full Ceremonial outfit to skip killcount. If your team is already halfway through a kill don't be an idiot an run it, just wait until the end of the kill to go and grab your stuff (unless your grave is about to go)

If your team aren't in the boss room but you still need to loot your grave, run in and grab some of your items, then before Nex summons Glacies (the last minion) log out to the lobby and wait 30seconds and log back in, Nex would have disappeared because no-one was in the room and will then take a while to spawn again.


[spoiler]Recommended gear

[spoiler]Anything like this would be alright. Bring more brews if you are a first timer since you will most likely take more damage than if you have a bit more experience. Just try to focus on having a large mage bonus and using fire spells against these.


Mage attack: The mage attack is a blue ball of light shot from the left hand of the Glacor. Praying against it will greatly reduce the damage inflicted by it.

Range attack: The range attack is a flying icycle shot from the right hand of the Glacor. Praying against this attack will fully negate the damage. Its also worth to note that it usually begins attacking with range so having quickprays set to protect from ranged would be useful.

"Special attack": This attack cannot be prayed against but can be fully dodged if you move 1 square away from where you were when the attack was shot. If you dont dodge this attack it can deal at around 400 damage.



Bear in mind that the Glacor obtains the ability of the last minion you kill so its recommended you kill unstable last.

Sapping Glacyte: This Glacyte steals your prayer every time it hits. Nothing too special should be easily maged to death. Finish this one first.

Enduring Glacyte: This Glacyte obtains power from the Glacor so the closer it is to it the higher its defence will be so its recommended that you attack it once and lure it away to finish it off. Do not leave this minion for last or you will find your hits to be lowered on the Glacor.

Unstable Glacyte: This Glacyte has 2 bars on top of it. one is its life points and one is a timer. when the top bar turns green it will "blow up" and hit you the same amount it dealt itself unless you move away from it. after it has used up its special attack one hit should be enough to kill it. I recommend killing this minion last for the above reasons.



[spoiler]This armadyl soloing guide with rigour and unicorns is for ADVANCED PROFS only
Use it at your own risk !

To start, I suggest to take 1 panic brew for those who do not want to risk this trip without any food
I usually don't take any brew with me, as with experience and trips before, I usually survive by food drops from mini's

If you know how and what to do, with this inventory/setup I reach around 40 solo's, which I find pretty sick for that ,, my own record was 43

How I do it;

How I do it;

Well, before I push the big rock @ trollheim, or use the agility spot, I spec with my excalibur, so I'll heal on the wolves may they hit, and the freeze damage (you'll get 0% run and special attack anyways, so why not speccing before? ;p)

With the killcount, i just rigour the avies, with my broad bolts and barrow gloves on
Around 100 broad bolts will do normally..
the monkfish will help me restore my lifepoints, and heal me a bit when I'll overload before I enter kree's chamber :)

Then, I firstly drop the rest of my broad bolts, put on my swift gloves and bank the barrow gloves with my 1 bank scroll
After that, I dismiss my yak, and some food and maybe a prayer pot will stay left
The super restore I leave in my inventory, on the space where my swift gloves were before I equipped them
Potting my overload using the food left, and when I pot , just cast excalibur special attack (ok the last few phrases were kind of obvious, but ahh wel =p)
I also take a sip renewal upon entering the chamber

Inside the room; well, attack the big bird! put your dreadnips onto kree, (to avoid her melee hit, just walk under her and point your dreadnips onto her, so she won't melee you, you can also do this when you switch to excalibur when overloading, sometimes when you switch she'll melee you)
Using protect item, protect from ranged attacks and rigour, you'll KO her pretty quick , and she won't hit you that much with pernix and divine)

After she died, I turn off my prayers exept for the protect from ranged prayer, I keep this one on
Killing the melee minion first, the mager second and the ranger as last, incase kree will spawn and the ranger minion is still alive..

How I use the prayer altar,? Mostly I try to keep my prayers just that low so I can pray after the first kill
Every 10 minutes you can use the prayer altar, as most of you people would know =p

(tip; I use my notes to write down at what hour I used the prayer altar, so I can estimate when I can pray back again, to minimalize the timer gap between altar uses
For example, I just prayed at 20:15 hour, so I write down 20:26 <-- this is the time I can pray for 100% sure, as 20:25 I could be still having a couple of seconds left to pray back again, as I didn't completely wait 10 full minutes, if u know what I mean ;p)

When will I use my penance aura?
As you know, you'll get 20% prayer points back of what damage you take, It makes quite some difference in prayer pots when you have it on
I usually turn it on when I have like 4 overloads left, when I have some space left
Activating the aura in the begin of the trip might be a bit annoying, as your pray will get drained much slower, and you already have that low inventory space to pick up your loots! :(
So you might want to wait a short time untill you've used up some prayer pots ;p

Well, the rest is pretty simple, just stay alive, watch your prayer, use a renewal everytime it runs out, and happy hunting! ^^

Also, you can juggle with the drops in the begin when you're full inventory space
With this I mean, picking up stuff, and dropping them, picking them up again, dropping them , and keeping doing this it'll just stay on the floor, untill you have space or when you'll need to use it :)
Mostly I do this with food drops from minions, what makes that 1 brew space not needed for me ;p



[spoiler]A dungeoneering program I use as well as many of DG'ers do is called DGSweeper it's a program that shows your map and lets you put keys on doors as well as shows you and other people on the map. When you open the map up on rs it screenshots and updates the DGSweeper map. This program is very useful and makes it so you don't have to try and remember multiple doors.

Picture of DGSweeper in action: http://i.imgur.com/sOgQy.jpg (you can reset the timer by right clicking it and you can remove keys that you have placed on doors by right clicking them)

Picture of DGSweeper settings: http://i.imgur.com/cgtE2.png (you can change the size of the map and the transparency as well as choose to have it save the maps on your computer or not)

You can find DGSweeper here: http://www.xp-waste.com/the-dgsweeper-the-most-popular-dungeoneering-utility-t264.html

You can find a lot of DG guides on various things here: http://www.xp-waste.com/guides-f19.html

Definitely give the Acronyms thread (http://www.xp-waste.com/acronyms-t372.html) a read if you don't know every acronym.

Pathing is also crucial to cutting down your dung floor times and be a more efficient keyer/dunger. You can read this guide here: http://www.xp-waste.com/map-reading-pathing-t1315.html


Mobilising armies

[spoiler]This is a Guide how to do Mobilising armies on the fastest way and how to get your rank up to 300.(for imbued rings)

How to start.

You go to junior cadet mal, you can see where he is on the map.
He wil explain you the basics of this minigame, you need to talk to start this minigame.
When you talked to him, and he been showing you what you need to do here, you can start.

Step 1 - Getting Ready

What you do is you go to the grand exchange, and you buy 10 rune chainbody's, or get them on any other way.
Then you go to Junior cadet Mal, you right-click on him then go to invest.
You put the rune chainbody's in and you invest them for investment points, you'll be able to do alot when u got those points.

What you now do is you go to the recruiting room, you go to the dwarf recruiter and you right click on him, and click on recruit.
Then you got the option to pick between light units(feather icon) or heavy units(the steel block).
Best thing to do is picking 9 light units and one heavy unit(you can pick the number of units by clicking on quantity).

Now you go to the Special unit tent.
There you click on the special unit table, now you get a screen with the 4 kind of special units you can pick.
You pick 5 cannons then click on buy.
You go to the south stairs inbetween the recruitment room and the reward rooms.
You are now ready to start this minigame.

Step 2 - Starting this minigame

Click on the stairs and a screen wil pop up, as you wil see in the example.

   Mobilising armies Guide.

This is a Guide how to do Mobilising armies on the fastest way and how to get your rank up to 300.(for imbued rings)
Posted Image

How to start.

You go to junior cadet mal, you can see where he is on the map.
He wil explain you the basics of this minigame, you need to talk to start this minigame.
When you talked to him, and he been showing you what you need to do here, you can start.

Step 1 - Getting Ready

What you do is you go to the grand exchange, and you buy 10 rune chainbody's, or get them on any other way.
Then you go to Junior cadet Mal, you right-click on him then go to invest.
You put the rune chainbody's in and you invest them for investment points, you'll be able to do alot when u got those points.

What you now do is you go to the recruiting room, you go to the dwarf recruiter and you right click on him, and click on recruit.
Then you got the option to pick between light units(feather icon) or heavy units(the steel block).
Best thing to do is picking 9 light units and one heavy unit(you can pick the number of units by clicking on quantity).

Now you go to the Special unit tent.
There you click on the special unit table, now you get a screen with the 4 kind of special units you can pick.
You pick 5 cannons then click on buy.
You go to the south stairs inbetween the recruitment room and the reward rooms.
You are now ready to start this minigame.

Step 2 - Starting this minigame

Click on the stairs and a screen wil pop up, as you wil see in the example.
Posted Image

You click on the level Conflict, now another screen wil show up, here you can pick the formation you want your units to stand in.
In my opinion you dont really need any formation of your doing this minigame on the quick, easy and fastest way, so you can keep it on "Wedge formation"
You now click on Next and another screen wil show up: "Scenario Investment options".
Howmore investment points you spend on your war scenario's how more reward credits wil be, so what you do is you click on the button "ALL" wich wil invest
the maximum ammount of investment points u can put in that round, then you click on play.
You wil now appear in a waiting room, wich needs 2 people to start a game.

You need to do the level conflict to unlock the other maps to fight on.
Becouse this level is only needed to do for unlocking the map siege, i wont give any examples in screenshots for it, only the ones your going to need at the other map.
When you are in the Conflict map, you just select your units by clicking on them, and you move over the map by using your arrow keys on your keyboard.
basicly to do this map quickly, select your units and move towards your enemy's.
You can attack them by selecting one of your units, then you click on one of their units and it wil attack them.
Keep doing this till your units are all dead or all of their units are dead.

After this battle you wil now have dead units, the unit scrolls in your inventory wil have red crosses trough them.
What you do now is you go to the recruitment room, go to the dwarven recruiter and you right click on him, then you select the option manage.
In the screen that pops up, you see a button that says resupply all.
click on that and it wil restore your scrolls.
Now you go back to the stairs and you now click on the map "Siege"
You do the same as on the other map, you click on next again, and the scenario investment option screen wil pop up.
Again click on the "ALL" button so you'll invest the maximum ammount of investment credits available in that scenario.
Now click on play and you wil start as soon you get 4 players in the waiting room.

Step 3 - Siege

You now enter the map Siege.

As you can see on the example, it's a square map with a castle in the middle, normally you need to get the walls of the castle down as fast you can, faster then the other teams.
There wil be a team on every side of the castle.
Now to do this quickly, and on the best way to get rank 300 fast.
You select your units, and let them all attack the wall.

Once all your units are on the wall, the NPC'S on the wall will attack your units, this wil cause your units to get hit and lose hitpoints.
What you basicly need to do is waiting till the timer in the corner of the screen says 25 minutes left, when there are 25 minutes left its sure you wil get atleast a rank
and reward points, so when the game starts the timer in the corner wil say 29 minutes. you attack the wall from 29 minutes to 25 minutes.
When the timer says 25 minutes, you go to the special unit button, and use your cannons on your own units.

This wil make you die, and basicly lose, but even if u lose you get one rank up plus alot of reward credits, more then u invest basicly.

When you keep doing this you wil get your ranks fast.
Why? becouse instead of trying to win and get 2 ranks, wich would take around 15-20 minutes, you so suicide and get 1 rank per 5 minutes.
This wil go faster and you get ranks and alot of reward points.
So it's a win win situation :)
That's basicly all you have to do, you start the game, let your units attack the wall and kill yourself with cannons when the timer says 25 minutes.
It still takes quite a time but it's definatly worth it, the rings wil help you in wars and other combat situations.[/spoiler]

Greenmans Ale Brewing Guide

ver want to boost to assist a 97 herb effigy when you're only 95? But hate grabbing spices? Or just want to make some extra money on the side? Brewing greenman's ale is an easy source of cash on the side for little to no work. There are very few real requirements, and requires little time to maintain after an initial start-up. To clarify, in this guide we'll be looking at brewing Greeman's ales only, the reason being that they're the most expensive ale when matured and most useful for PvMing.

>Access to Port Phasmatys
>Access to Keldagrim
>Ability to play Trouble Brewing (requires Cabin Fever completed and 40 cooking)
>Ingredients needed to make ales

The requirements to make the ale itself on the other hand are (per vat):
1. 2 buckets of water
2. 2 barley malt
3. 1 bag of The Stuff (optional but HIGHLY recommended)
4. 4 corresponding secondary ingredients for the ale you wish to brew (Harralander herbs, in this case)
5. 1 pot of ale yeast (can be purchased at the Keldagrim brewing vat for 25 gp OR at Port Phasmatys for 5 ecto-tokens)

The Stuff
The stuff is essential if you wish to brew for money, and I can't stress it highly enough. It doubles the chances of your brews maturing, and mature brews are what you want when you're brewing. Playing a game of Trouble Brewing takes 20 minutes, and if you play it right, you should have enough tokens (pieces of eight) to buy enough bags of The Stuff to last you about 2-3 weeks of brewing.

The Process
Travel to Keldagrim or Port Phasmatys and make your way to the respective brewing areas. The Keldagrim brewing vat is near the south eastern side of the city, directly north of the rail carts while the Port Phasmatys brewing vat is near the entrance of the city, south of the Ectofuntus.

1. Pour 2 buckets of water into the brewing vat.
2. Sprinke in 2 handfuls of barley malt into the vat.
3. Add in a bag of The Stuff (optional but HIGHLY recommended).
4. Add in 4 Harralander herbs.
5. Add in ale yeast.
6. Harvest when fermented (and possibly mature).

The above .gif shows the progression of a vat of ale, from the making (water, barley, The Stuff, harralander, yeast) to the fermentation and eventual harvesting.

Your inventory should look like this after each step:
After all 6 steps have been completed, the vat of ale will start brewing. Brewing takes anything from 1 day to 10 days, but the average for a vat of ale to finish brewing (and/or mature) is about 2-3 days. With a decent cooking level (70+) and use of The Stuff, you can expect ales to mature about 60% of the time, give or take a little. If a vat has finished fermenting (as in it gives the option of harvesting) and it hasn't matured, it won't ever mature.

Bad Ales
Vats sometimes also go "bad", as in the ale turns a lime-green colour and is labelled as "bad ale". There's nothing you can do with bad ale, as once it turns bad, there's no way to salvage it. Simply turn the valve on the side of the vat and let it drain out, and then start a new vat (hopefully with better results).

You can expect about 600k+ profit from brewing per week. This is from about a week of brewing, enough Greenman's ale to last you a while generally.

Keep in mind that your ales won't mature 100% of the time, and won't always take so little time to mature. I've had a vat take up to a week to ferment, but ended up not maturing. Brewing takes very little time on YOUR end, but takes time to ferment. Once you start the process though, brewing is incredibly easy to upkeep and a decent, steady source of income.
And finally, here's a picture of what this guide is all about:

Mature Greenman's Ale

House of Random / Re: Eyebrows
January 07, 2012, 06:55:11 AM
This is a ripoff from a Cadbury campaign from at least a year ago :/

Cadbury Eyebrows (official version)