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Messages - His Lordship

Hi Christian, welcome to our forums.
Mojo has said everything I wanted to say.
You don't need to re-apply, just let this introduction sit here, then finish your interview when you're ready.

Look forward to speaking with you soon!
Now here's a man who knows his priorities.
Welcome Roku!
Avatar is the best TV series ever (apart from Game of Thrones, which you shouldn't watch until you're 18!)
This was a sample application that we used for our new tutorial video.
You can disregard this application guys :P
Guest Lounge / Re: Hi everyone
July 29, 2013, 07:46:05 PM
Now there's a name I've not seen in a long time!
How are you?!
Hey Ravi, good to see another Londoner.
I'm moving back to London in 2 weeks.
You going to Runefest?

Anyway, welcome to the forums man.
I remember the Solar Angels!
I never did like the clan name, but the people in it were always really friendly and I do miss that clan.
Welcome to the forums dude.
Hello Altaïr,
That is a really impressive biography!
You study philosophy? What do you think of Neitsche? I worship him.
Also that you lived for 9 years in China is really cool. You must have so many stories to share.

Anyway, I look forward to having a chat with you sometime.
Welcome to the clan!
This is the nicest application I've seen in a few weeks.
Good to know that not everyone answers with just one sentence.
We actually get a fell for who you are. Looks like you'll be a top quality member and I do hope you go through with joining.
Looking forward to some great times.
Hey dude, could you upload a pic of your stats for us please?
I wish you would write a bit more, because these application forms are meant to help us get to know you better.
The more you write, the easier it will be for people to talk to you.
Anyway, welcome, welcome!
Hey Kirk, welcome to the forums.
12 hour shifts?! Dude that's rough.
Anyway, see you on the inside shortly!
Welcome to the forums dude.
Good luck with the rest of your app - I'm sure everything will be fine.
Look forward to seeing you around :)
Guest Lounge / Re: Saying Hello.
July 27, 2013, 02:42:27 PM
Hi Jason,
It's great to hear from you again.
I saw you today but didn't have time to say hi properly.
Have you got Facebook?
Add me: [email protected]
Hi Sebastian.
Welcome to the forums.
It was a real pleasure talking to you and hearing your clan story in our IRC conversation.
Best of luck with the joining process, and there's no doubt in my mind that you'll make a great member :)
Guest Lounge / Re: Legacy to WG
July 20, 2013, 09:01:42 AM
Hey Wan,
Thank you for so much faith in this family.
It's so nice to read posts like this.
I really do hope you follow through with joining, but I am not the strongest or most influential :P
See you soon mate.
Hello Isaac, welcome to the family.
Looking forward to some great times with you.
I don't see a problem with this application so it should be pretty smooth sailing getting you interviewed and accepted.
Hi dude,
Thanks for applying, but I really wish you'd told us a bit more about yourself.
Don't treat this like an interview or exam... we just want to get to know you a little better.
You've not given us much information that tells us about you as a person or a player.

Hopefully you'll edit some more information in so we can get to know you.
Hi Laurenio, nice appplication.
Welcome, welcome!
Which video of mine did you see? :P
Real Life Discussion / Re: Newest Tattoo :)
July 15, 2013, 08:10:06 AM
Didn't happen
Real Life Discussion / Re: Newest Tattoo :)
July 15, 2013, 06:01:50 AM
Well... THIS topic backfired pretty splendidly.
House of Random / Re: Press Ctrl+V
July 15, 2013, 05:21:46 AM
Real Life Discussion / Re: You Most Memorable Trip
July 13, 2013, 12:16:23 PM
Acid is one hell of a drug
House of Random / Newest Raidmasters
July 12, 2013, 05:31:18 PM
Who the fuck do you think you are to delete my posts?

This is the worst crime I've seen in the history of WG, what fucking possessed you to delete my topic in IA.
When you browse the forums His Lordship is your god.  I didn't lead this clan for 10 years to have shitkickers like you deleting my posts.  I don't give a pinch of shit what they told you, when you read my forums I am your God.

If I find out who did this you will have NOTHING LEFT.  O.o ## ## ##
lasdy wildflam ppls
pls respomd
analcrafter here.##

doing damage control on this shit post

nature runes are at an all time low

come to nature altar w39 for good times

drunk gene vio coming later