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Messages - His Lordship

Real Life Discussion / Re: IRL Meeting 11 Video
April 29, 2013, 09:54:32 AM
Quote from: Josheh on April 29, 2013, 04:39:54 AM
Kinda felt bad for the one guy who was like "Wtf is wg ftw" was like 7 vs 1.

Anyhoo I also liked the part of eugene saying "Should we watch him shower" about SF. Classic.

It appears english women are quite loose, bravo SF though.

Looked like you guys had a great time, serious question though, who is the older bloke who is featured in the picture with the blue jumper and balding grey hair? You guys never did a name tag thing for him

WTF when was this?!
Real Life Discussion / Re: IRL Meeting 11 Video
April 28, 2013, 08:41:39 PM
God I loved that weekend.
I'm hoping we can do one more in June before I go back to Australia.
Media and Comedy / Re: WG's hilarious pictures!
April 27, 2013, 12:45:33 AM

Including your current one?
House of Random / Re: :,(
April 22, 2013, 12:39:39 PM
This is brilliant.
Very few things make me laugh IRL, this was one of them.
Join the Clan / Re: Mami Tomei 2007scape Application
April 21, 2013, 06:54:46 PM
Quote from: Mami Tomoei on April 21, 2013, 06:38:29 PM
4. How did you hear about us, and what makes you want to join WG? Which parts of WG are you applying for? (EoC, Old School or both)
I heard of WG from that gif on rsc >.< too dang addicting to watch all those white dots :o

This just makes my day! HAHAHA.
Welcome Mami. Thanks for choosing our clan out of all the choices available to you.
We won't let you down.
Media and Comedy / Gay Marriage in NZ
April 18, 2013, 11:58:17 AM
Patty, this means we can finally make our love whole!
Maurice Williamson: 'Rainbow across my electorate'
Guest Lounge / Re: Checking in
April 18, 2013, 11:29:11 AM
Well mate, you were very young then, and didn't get along so easily with people.
I'm happy for you to be here. It's been so long you must have grown up a lot since those days :)
Jordan, I gotta say this is a beautiful application.
You have no idea to see how refreshing it is to see such attention to detail.
You told us what made us an attractive clan to join and now we can use that information to ensure other players see us the same way.
You gave us plenty of info about yourself so that we could get to like you and understand your personality.

Welcome to the clan. I'm looking forward to joining in some great times with you mate.
Guest Lounge / Re: Checking in
April 17, 2013, 05:01:56 PM
Quote from: Owen on April 17, 2013, 11:21:57 AM
QuoteName: Crucio01
Reason for Suspension/Ban: This is the culmination of many warnings, resulting from his immaturity, flamebaiting, and attempted PKing of WG members while holding the "Clan Friend" rank.
Date issued for Ban/Suspension: 30/06/2008
Date Expired for Suspension (If they are permanently banned, leave this as 'N/A'): N/A

He's not on our current exiled list in the Guest Forum.
Where did you get this?
Guides / Re: Clan Terminology
April 17, 2013, 01:30:10 AM
Wow, I did a really good job, just saying...
Real Life Discussion / Re: Boston Explosion
April 16, 2013, 05:44:30 PM
OK fine, I guess I was belittling the event, but I did it in comparison to another American tragedy, so don't call me anti-American please.
Real Life Discussion / Re: Boston Explosion
April 16, 2013, 12:46:14 PM
Pretending to be someone I'm not is worse than me trying to express my opinion in the politest possible way, which I did.
I'm *gently* encouraging people to shift their values because I am strongly against tunnel-vision sympathy.
There is so much out there worthy of your sentiments, but it's getting ignored.
I never once said it was bad to give sympathy to this, but I DID say there are other things too.
Of course the refugees made the front page in Australia lol. They didn't in London, take my word for it.
Just because someone was creative in the way they murder doesn't make the deaths more significant than the kid who gets shot in school.
The only reason people like to hear about unusual attacks is because it feels more relevant to them.
"Oh no, even a marathon is unsafe". Plenty of public places in the USA get mass attacked... such as schools.
The proportions are out of whack. Sympathy for these people is great, but God I wish people would get some perspective.
This isn't the huge tragedy the media is making it out to be. THAT SAID, sympathy for this cause is better than none at all.

While you guys mourn these three deaths, I will be thinking about the other 100 or so Americans who will be murdered today.
How dare you attack my attitude, when I was IN FACT trying to quell protesting in this topic. (Eg. First post this page)
Real Life Discussion / Re: Boston Explosion
April 16, 2013, 10:26:23 AM
Let's not turn this into an America bash. Any amount of grief is valid, and all of us know already that the world media is biased to unusual American tragedies.
I agree that the balance is out of order, but if people are feeling pain over this, now is not the time for that debate Stormrage.
Nobody here can agree with you more, but we can have this discussion later.
Real Life Discussion / Re: Boston Explosion
April 16, 2013, 12:39:46 AM
No doubt it's highly unusual. We're on the same page.
That's definitely why it's making world headlines rather than a mass shooting that happens every so often.
Question: Is it a good idea to prioritise our attention, allocating it to the most unusual attacks?
Two people died and it's making world headlines.
There is no hate in me, but I feel so bad for the (on average) 85 Americans who will be killed by a gun TODAY, silently.
I am asking for a lot: a change in priorities. I'll say no more because death is death and this is still a tragedy.
Real Life Discussion / Re: Boston Explosion
April 16, 2013, 12:15:17 AM
I don't want to feel like a douche, but this is really unfair attention compared to many other deaths.
I'm not talking about war zones and world hunger. These deaths happen in safe parts of the world all the time.
58 people on a refugee boat just drowned off the coast of Australia a few hours ago, by the way.
As sad as I am to hear about this, I feel sorry for other victims who don't get this much support and attention.
No further comment, apart from restating I feel sorry for the loss, and encouraging people to re-calibrate their world view.
I hope you're right, and that escaping those environments is the rule rather than the exception.
As for average IQ's, what we're seeing is a widening of the variance of IQ... meaning less people around the average and more around the extremes.
Quote from: Ts Stormrage on April 15, 2013, 05:44:40 PM
Rachel: YOU might be able to afford it... Financially...

The earth cannot support everyone having 12 children... Not if you want to have the cool stuff, like, you know... drinking water that doesn't kill you... Or food...

And Rachel, I'm not targetting you specifically. Adopting is a very respectable thing to do and I respect that greatly.
That's not contributing to population growth.
Also, 12 abortions are not OK!

What also concerns me is how the planet is getting more stupid.
Less educated people tend to have kids at an earlier age.
These kids are raised in an environment that keeps them uneducated (bad parenting, poverty and lack of schooling).
Then they feed the cycle of stupidity and have lots of kids at a young age too.
What scares me even more is thinking of the possibility that there is a genetic component to stupidity. If there is, the cycle is much harder to break.

On the other hand, people who are better educated wait until later in life to have kids, and they tend to have less.
In essence, there are more kids growing up in circumstances that encourage low intelligence than high intelligence.
I firmly believe that in the developed world at least, humans have been getting marginally dumber over the last few hundred years.
One more movie for you Rachel. A short one this time.
David Suzuki speaks about overpopulation
Humans cannot trust themselves to be responsible.
In theory I could have zero children (out of concern for the population) and all it takes is for one dumb teen girl to push out four children, and she has TOTALLY undone my life efforts.

QuoteIf I can afford to adopt or have my own 6 to 12 children, then who should come to me and say I'm wrong.
This comes at a cost. You're thinking from a cellular family view, which I understand.
But you're part of a global community as well and we're all in this together.
What if everyone made that decision? It's not sustainable.
Already, our current population exceeds Earth's capacity to provide, and yet you want us to GROW?
Let me clarify this: Freedom to choose means the population will grow Rachel.
Most people want at least two kids.

Say there is no regulation, and we keep growing.
There will be a mass population decrease due to lack of water and food.
If you're happy to ride it out until disaster strikes and then live with the effects of it, that's where we're different.
I want to prevent it rather than deal with it.

For my whole life I will be a supporter of population control.
I can't think of anything more selfish than people wanting big families at the cost of precious resources.
Every child you have comes at the cost of human life in the future.
You're taking out a loan you cannot repay.
Quote from: Rachellove9 on April 15, 2013, 12:50:29 PM
Population control in any way is just wrong.
Giving into a government that wants to legally kill, stop, or control what people do in the way of family is terrible.
You even slightly suggesting that it is a good thing makes me question if you want us to practice  the ideology of antihumanism.
My post might be off-topic but just the same the belief that the human race is a horde of rats whose unconstrained aspirations and appetites endanger the natural order, and that measures are necessary to constrain population to save the Earth is morally wrong.

I have to respectfully disagree with you Rachel.
There are too many humans, more than the planet can sustain in the long-term.
I would never endorse an act of genocide, but we do need to reproduce in a sustainable way and aim for a population decrease.
Any family that wants to exceed two children is either selfish or does not know the dilemma we face.

Rachel, the first 3 minutes are adequate viewing for you to understand my concern.
But please watch as much as you can.
How Many People Can Live on Planet Earth (FULL)

The summary of it is at 11:45:
"If we don't control human population voluntarily, life could end in misery; the productive capacity of the Earth has physical limits, and those limits will ultimately determine how many human beings it can support"
I'm impressed at how many people took the time to watch it.
Good job guys.
And thanks Stormrage for showing it to us.
That man has just become my hero.
It does bring back much hope.
Hewy Frankie, great to see another Aussie here.
I am from Perth but I live in London right now.
It's always a little tough for Aussies in any clan, so if you're struggling to attend events because of the timezone, please let me know!
Other than that, welcome to the family and I will see you around :)