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Messages - His Lordship

RuneScape Discussion / Re: 2007 Servers - My Movie
February 21, 2013, 06:51:26 PM
Quote from: Randy on February 21, 2013, 06:46:24 PM
Quote from: His Lordship on February 21, 2013, 06:41:20 PM
You could be right, but ask yourself what would happen if you're not.
All the players who had faith in 2007 scape would quit and it would become like RS Classic.
All the clans that are re-opening would close, and probably more clans.
So much hope is going into this that if it fails, it's going to crush everything.
I really mean no offense to this but I don't think anyone in WG cares enough about the EoC clan world. We're going down with it.
A new start means a new opportunity. There's going to be a new wilderness forming with old rules - the rules that once made this clan prosper. ARPK-ing might exist again.

But now we go back to my original reasons I posted...
Not all of WG is going to pay.
Not all of WG wants to train all over.
Not all of WG will enjoy the old PVP if there are no numbers.
Not all of WG wants to play a game that doesn't change with their tastes.

No offense was taken Randy, at least we're both being somewhat mature about this unlike those RSC turds.
There's no "nice" way out of our predicament.
You've put your hopes in 2007 scape, I've put my hopes in 2013 scape.
Both are valid, but nothing you've said yet (hoping to keep an open mind and not let pride get in the way) has changed my mind that your option is riskier.
RuneScape Discussion / Re: 2007 Servers - My Movie
February 21, 2013, 06:41:20 PM
You could be right, but ask yourself what would happen if you're not.
All the players who had faith in 2007 scape would quit and it would become like RS Classic.
All the clans that are re-opening would close, and probably more clans.
So much hope is going into this that if it fails, it's going to crush everything.
RuneScape Discussion / Re: 2007 Servers - My Movie
February 21, 2013, 06:32:44 PM
But my reasons address the PVP too Randy.
Training for the PVP is still grinding... and you'll HAVE to skill to work your way up to rune armour and swordfish and pizzas and good potions.
Without updates, the game will be decent but it will expire.
RuneScape Discussion / Re: 2007 Servers - My Movie
February 21, 2013, 06:28:25 PM
Here are possible reasons why 2007-scape might end up being more difficult to get up and running than 2013:

1. No new content means it has a shelf life of about 2-3 years
2. 2007 PKing was awesome because of numbers... numbers which we won't reach again. We will not be maxing opts in 2007 scape.
3. Most players will not be willing to pay for it... and let's face it, we'll have to pay for it. Most people will choose the account that they've spent years training.
4. I believe many players will HATE the grinding of skills and the lack of content. It'll be charming for a few months, sure, but what happens after then?
RuneScape Discussion / Re: 2007 Servers - My Movie
February 21, 2013, 05:33:43 PM
Agreed Randy. The bit where we disagree on is the solution.
I am of the opinion that it'll be harder to have a good clan world in 2007scape than in current scape.
Clan World Discussion / Re: Clan World rs2007
February 21, 2013, 05:13:35 PM
Might leave WG, join VR.
You should know before you go through with your application that I am taking a very hard stance on trolling, and am being strict on the preservation of a positive community.
If you're OK with that, I'll welcome you with open arms.
Join the Clan / Re: The Tayzon is back in town
February 19, 2013, 11:07:59 PM
Hello mate, welcome back!
Into looks good, I don't see any problem with it.
Do you really have diabetes lol?
Yes well I didn't like being so high.
Now my rep is back down to controllable levels :P
No, I'm not going to vote. It is abhorrent to every fibre of my being.
And if they charge $15, the update will fail.
Even if they charge $5, it will fail, but slightly less.

It's already at 145k. I suspect we'll get the 250k, but not the 500k.
When did you start playing sir?
Do you remember all this about 2007:

1. A lot of shit, like cooking fish, is done click by click
2. There is no GE, you're standing in a market shouting for what you want and if you want something obscure, you'd better pay through the nose for it.
3. No Summoning or Dungeoneering - meh I don't mind this so much
4. Glitches galore that they won't fix, but if you exploit them you'll get perm banned.
5. The run system is fucked. You'll end up running backwards if you want to go forward.

I could go on if you still think it was better than it is now.
You're just nostalgic.
House of Random / Re: Dear... (funny game.)
February 14, 2013, 11:25:50 PM
Dear Mark Gerhard,

I don't really know how to tell you this, but I'm joining the Convent. I think I realized it That night you picked your nose In your closet and I saw you Drive over The elephant in the corner. I'm sure you're Scarred enough to understand That your driving sucks. I'm returning Your toe ring to you, but I'll keep Your neighbors dog as a memory. You should also know that I Hate your cooking and Our friendship is ruined.

Go milk a cow,
His Lordship
Enough to make the wilderness awesome?
At least solo PKing would be good when people work their way up to runite ores...


You are most definitely exiled son.
That has to be the funniest thing you've ever posted!!!!

Rarely do I chuckle IRL at the internet.
I'd rather see Bush back in office than WG members on oldscape.
2007 died first I'm pretty sure.
Good for you, who is anyone else to take away your happiness?
I'm just questioning whether you'll be happy in the first place.
If you think it will be as fun or even close, you are delusional.
Alain, think harder about this.
Was it REALLY that good or are you associating those times with the magic of youth?
You guys are all going to drown in your own filth.
Best of luck to you.
I'm not ever stepping foot in oldscape.
I reset the poll since I added a fourth option - to play neither.
Please re-vote.
Chane the poll so that it's not so stylised.
Simply "What will you be playing when 2007-scape comes"
"Modern Runescape"

That way, we can get rid of the force-fed opinions.
"I wouldn't even consider playing somethign so antiquated, even if it gets updates."
I wouldn't, but it has nothing to do with being antiquated.