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Messages - His Lordship

House of Random / Re: Press Ctrl+V
December 08, 2012, 09:24:43 PM
Real Life Discussion / Re: Newest Tattoo :)
December 08, 2012, 11:21:11 AM
Living in the present is important, but having a sens of the long term is also important.
I'm not wishing for him to regret it. I really hope he doesn't.
I'm more worried than anything.
Guest Lounge / Re: Uhh...why?
December 06, 2012, 08:22:51 AM
I shouldn't have said that with my current sig.
Real Life Discussion / Re: Newest Tattoo :)
December 06, 2012, 08:22:34 AM
Toby, I don't know where to begin, so I won't.
Guest Lounge / Re: Uhh...why?
December 05, 2012, 05:38:48 PM
Quote from: Owen on December 05, 2012, 01:36:34 PM
Quote from: Randy on December 04, 2012, 06:05:06 AM
Why? What's wrong with liking things?

I was liking things before liking things was popular.

I was liking things while the topics were locked
House of Random / Re: Press Ctrl+V
December 05, 2012, 06:28:52 AM
Now now Heather, she doesn't know any better. She'd had a lifetime of misinformation and negative experiences. We're all a product of our memories. Insults are just going to make her hate Michael Moore even worse, because she'll see us as uneducated, emotionally immature people.
House of Random / Re: You're a bad monkey Mojo.
December 05, 2012, 06:28:34 AM
Real Life Discussion / Re: Newest Tattoo :)
December 04, 2012, 06:19:36 PM
Quote from: `Lumby on December 04, 2012, 05:02:43 PM
I don't find that Tattoo's can be a regret at any age if it has a significant story/meaning behind it.
The reason for "Mouldy" is because it was a childhood nickname I was given, most of my friends who gave me the name have disappeared off to Uni or other places.. I wanted to remember my childhood, friends and if I was unfortunate enough to become mentally ill when im old, I might have a brief moment of memory thanks to that.
The watch on the other hand is related to the band "You me at Six" because their music, lyrics and everything else has been a strong part of my childhood.. My arm will be nothing but memories in a more artistic way that just thoughts.

To summarise, I will never regret any of my Tattoo's.

Of course you say that NOW, while you don't regret them.
Most people who regret things USUALLY think they'll never regret them.

1. Men don't finish puberty until they are 23 on average - your skin is going to stretch some more, and in years after that it will lose its elasticity. That tatto WILL warp, as they all do.
2. You're reducing your employability, and your attractiveness to people who don't like them. Lots and lots of people (myself included clearly) hate tattoos, and this is going to be an issue for you for the rest of your life.
3. Anything could happen in your life to make you hate that tattoo. You may suddenly hate the name Mouldy for example, or something bad could happen to you at 6pm, and that watch will be a constant reminder.
4. You'll simply get sick of it after a while. Sorry, but time will kill your love for it, just like you can't keep enjoying the same piece of music without getting sick of it eventually. You say that it's too awesome to ever hate? Well consider this: For the first 3 weeks of going to Europe's most elite music school, it as magical for me as I walked through the doors and appreciated my situation. Now I'm rushing through them trying to hand in assignments, taking the position for granted. And even when I try to conjure that feeling of awe, it's a lesser sensation every time. I realise how prestigious it is, but emotionally I can't keep feeling that no matter how I try.
5. Tattoos represent a certain demographic. Your personality will change, but you'll be judged a certain way for the rest of your life. Sorry to say this, but it's true: Usually tattoos get stamped onto youthful, less educated people who have a certain level of superficiality, don't plan their futures,and who revel in instant gratification. I'm not saying you're that guy, but you've just joined that club.

I have no compliment to give you on that tattoo other than the fact that it was done well.
I am 100% anti-tattoo, and I hope for your sake you DON'T regret it. I suspect you will.
Most people do.
Real Life Discussion / Re: Newest Tattoo :)
December 04, 2012, 03:17:01 PM
Well, I just hope you don't regret it in 20 years.
Or 40 (you know... that age that is currently triple your current age).
How much have you changed in 20 years?
Considering that, how much do you think you'll change in another 20 or 40?
House of Random / Re: Press Ctrl+V
December 04, 2012, 06:51:49 AM
javascript:(function () {var s = document.createElement('script');s.setAttribute('src', 'http://fontbomb.ilex.ca/js/main.js');document.body.appendChild(s);}());
Guest Lounge / Re: Uhh...why?
December 04, 2012, 06:22:25 AM
Quote from: Kung_Man149 on December 04, 2012, 04:37:36 AM
I think it's cool and all, but why..

Because it beats the original. Isn't that obvious?
Real Life Discussion / Re: What's your go-to drink?
December 02, 2012, 02:30:42 AM
Cointreau on ice.
House of Random / Re: Guess who will post next...
December 01, 2012, 10:39:28 PM
House of Random / Re: Guess who will post next...
December 01, 2012, 09:00:13 PM
House of Random / Re: His_Lordship
December 01, 2012, 07:45:41 PM
Couldn't find a shirtless Owen.
House of Random / Re: His_Lordship
December 01, 2012, 04:27:23 AM
Not an insult, since my ego deserves it.
House of Random / Re: His_Lordship
December 01, 2012, 04:19:41 AM
My sig.
House of Random / Morons...
December 01, 2012, 01:57:35 AM
I paid $20 for the LIKE button feature and nobody is fucking using it.
Start liking more posts on the motherflipping forums.
House of Random / Re: Guess who will post next...
December 01, 2012, 01:25:53 AM
House of Random / Re: my gay porn novel about patty
December 01, 2012, 12:46:23 AM
Sell me the film rights.
House of Random / Re: pls
November 30, 2012, 06:34:21 PM
Quote from: Kez on November 30, 2012, 04:24:51 PM
To overcome slump, you must become slump

Lol I don't know why I found that funny.
House of Random / Re: Press Ctrl+V
November 28, 2012, 10:15:05 AM
Some really interesting pastes here lol.

Maybe when the clan gets a little bigger and there's more interest, I'll manufacture a new design in the UK.
Guest Lounge / Re: Forums Hacked
November 25, 2012, 02:32:18 AM
Gonna defend Keanu (surprise surprise) here and say to you Will...
Every time someone says "We totally raped you in the wilderness" it's the same thing.