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Messages - His Lordship

House of Random / Re: Press Ctrl+V
October 05, 2012, 01:42:49 PM
Real Life Discussion / Re: IRL Meeting Video
October 04, 2012, 10:36:44 PM
I gave him the motherfucking footage... why would I delete?
And HOW could I delete when it's on HIS channel?

Anyway, many lols were had, and many fucks were given... metaphorically.
Creative Corner / Re: Art is my middle name.
September 24, 2012, 08:53:42 PM
I found this difficult to masturbate to.
Join the Clan / Re: Zeld Freelan's introduction.
September 04, 2012, 04:10:35 AM
This is a beautiful intro. Was a pleasure to read all about you Elliot.
Welcome to the forums!
House of Random / Re: Press Ctrl+V
August 29, 2012, 09:46:26 AM
I always understood you Alain, and liked you in spite of it.
Wherever you are, we'll still be friends.
Real Life Discussion / Re: What is your job?
August 27, 2012, 04:50:13 PM
Unemployed, technically.
House of Random / Re: Press Ctrl+V
August 23, 2012, 03:51:38 PM
hahahah soz guys!
Join the Clan / Re: Ts Stormrage
August 10, 2012, 08:40:09 PM
Hey mate, I'm proud to have met you in real life. You're a top bloke and I look forward to getting to know oyu well over coming weeks.
For WG's knowledge: We've discussed it briefly, and I plan to place Stormrage in a position of influence in the near future, once he's graduated... something along the lines of an Eventmaster perhaps, based on his previous experience. This is not nepotism. It is because in any decent professional environment, people are given jobs based on their suitability, not their time in the group. Don't worry though, this will not deprive any member of the opportunity to get promoted. THe Eventmaster apps go on as normal and I will be continuing to hunt for more raidmasters and eventually council.

Back to this intro... welcome to the family mate. Just speak to a leader when you're ready for your interview.
Creative Corner / Re: Calling All Musicians
August 10, 2012, 07:43:53 PM
No more suggestions unless songs are removed from the playlist. I'm happy to add that Will, but you have to pick like... 2 songs to get rid of... and not just based on your taste but on overal tastes.
Creative Corner / Re: Calling All Musicians
August 10, 2012, 07:34:46 PM
Absolutely NO One Direction.
Bam... Golden Brown is in there.

EDIT: And if you'll noticed, I said to not suggest things to add. The playlist is already too long.
Creative Corner / Calling All Musicians
August 10, 2012, 07:22:56 PM
Making a playlist for my farewell party tomorrow.
Only British music allowed.

Need you to decide a few things for me:

1. 8.5 hours is too long. Can you advise me which songs I should cut (based not just on your taste but what might simply not go down well with people)
2. Need to shuffle the order so that there's a good mix of energetic and slow music, with the most rousing ones in the first half, slowly adding slow ones in (not suddenly)
3. Need to shuffle the order so that the songs blend well, but also come from different eras. I don't want all the 2000's+ songs in one spot and all the 70's in another.
4. I'm trying to limit it to 3-4 songs per artist. If you think there's a song that's not on there that SHOULD be, tell me what to replace.
5. The Spice Girls and Harry Potter Songs are trolls. They are non negotiable.

EDIT: As tempting as it is for you to SUGGEST songs, I already said the playlist is too long... so we'll have to cut out a load of sings before I even consider adding any.
House of Random / Re: Press Ctrl+V
August 10, 2012, 05:45:44 AM
/cs access #wg_lobby add Mojohaza1 10
Join the Clan / Re: Kyle's intro.
August 09, 2012, 03:13:21 AM
Can someone tell me if this is legit?
Real Life Discussion / Re: A Feast of Ice And Fire
August 08, 2012, 01:17:24 PM
I'll make different stuff that will keep for a longer while and is more picnic-friendly.
House of Random / Re: Press Ctrl+V
August 06, 2012, 11:54:08 AM
You've tried punching holes in my suggestion but failed to offer anyt of your own. Are you simply content to let PKers die off?
Real Life Discussion / A Feast of Ice And Fire
August 06, 2012, 03:54:37 AM
Food from the book "A Feast of Ice and Fire", recreating recipes from George R. R. Martin's popular series. This feast comes from the Wall, and includes food that was eaten by the men of the night's watch.

The whole meal took about 5 hours to cook and 2 hours to clean.
I should add that this recipe was made using almost entirely medieval ingredients. That was ****ing hard. Some of the spices in particular were beastly to procure, especially the mace and grains of paradise.
Even had to replicate medieval spice mixes - Poudre Forte and Poudre Douce.
My brother and I couldn't even finish half of it :(
Anyone coming to the UK IRL meeting will be treated to a Feast of Ice and Fire.

"If I could fly, I'd be back at Castle Black eating a pork pie" - Sam Tarly.

Onions in gravy - technically never cited at the Wall, but eaten in Winterfell by Benjen Stark of the night's watch. Probably also eaten at the wall.

The Lemoncakes are truly the only foreign food to the Wall. They are food from King's Landing, but we'll assume that Tyrion brought them up when he was visiting the wall.

Crusty white bread - found all over the Seven Kingdoms. Baked over a pan of water to give it extra crispness.

Deep fried medieval applecakes.

Pease porridge, a staple afternoon food for the Men of the Night's Watch.

Wine, mulled with cranberries, almonds and raisins.

House of Random / Press Ctrl+V
August 04, 2012, 08:40:57 PM
Press Ctrl+V in a reply and show us what comes up.
No fake pastes please, and no specially prepared ones.
If you're going to comment on someone else's Ctrl+V, you have to also post your own.
If nothing comes up, type [Nothing]

If you want to comment on someone else's paste, you may do so... just make it clear that what you're typing is not a paste.
Real Life Discussion / Re: Keanu mad?
July 30, 2012, 08:58:17 AM
Dude, 3 scoops is the absolute max you're supposed to take... and you want to START him on 3?
Real Life Discussion / Re: Keanu mad?
July 30, 2012, 08:20:24 AM
3.5 hours lo.. First half hour was going to a supp store to buy you Jack3d!
Owen get this... he had TWO scoops of Jack3d after never taking any pre-workout before in his life... and he didn't get a buzz.
Creative Corner / Re: Fucking Keanu
July 24, 2012, 12:27:58 PM
Well, mojo never gave us an IRL pic despite Keanu asking for it, so that's why he's hooded.
Rachel, I agree, he botched... but he's fixed her now.

She's not quite there, but I will work on her a bit and tidy her up.
Creative Corner / Re: Fucking Keanu
July 24, 2012, 11:39:29 AM
Quote from: Raging Mage2 on July 24, 2012, 11:08:34 AM
yeah how about atleast put a bit of effort into other people other than yourself Keanu?

I'm very pleased with how I turned out.
Creative Corner / Re: Fucking Keanu
July 23, 2012, 02:48:01 PM
Owen's mouth is perfect. He's not meant to have amazing blowjob lips.