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Messages - His Lordship

Join the Clan / Re: Longhorn143
May 06, 2012, 10:22:06 PM
Hey dude, nice intro.
What a high standard of clans you've been in. Oh dear.
Media and Comedy / Attention Cat Haters
May 03, 2012, 03:28:27 PM
I used to hate cats until this movie.
Only 30 seconds of viewing required.
It's all the same.
But I was hooked for every moment.

Most Innocent Kitten Alive - The Original (India - 07.25.11)
Media and Comedy / Re: Scarey shit bro
May 02, 2012, 02:15:37 PM
I've seen the Amityville Horror.
Welcome to the genre! Keep up the good work.
Media and Comedy / Re: the truth
May 01, 2012, 04:25:29 AM
Can't even see the pic at work. Re-upload please?
Media and Comedy / Re: the truth
May 01, 2012, 03:33:23 AM
5-7 is pretty much neutral, and not acidic enough to do much.
Join the Clan / Re: Azzy has arrived
April 29, 2012, 05:29:37 PM
Hey Azzy, I already know you pretty well from our chats... or so I thought until i confused you with someone else :P
What happened?!

On topic, I might sign up. Will check it out.
Achievements / Re: ACHIEVENENT: Unbannable
April 25, 2012, 06:22:40 PM
Yeah Keanu gets the credit for that one I'm afraid lol, but it would have been a nice trophy for my collection too.
Achievements / ACHIEVEMENT: Unbannable
April 25, 2012, 06:16:28 PM
No lol, I'm not unbannable, and I don't plan on pushing my ridiculous luck.
But this is the first ever RS achievement I've posted in WG I think... or is it the second?
Anyway it's a big deal lol.

Permanently banned for advertising wg.com (2005)

Permanently banned for swearing in the wilderness while all of RoT was fallen in behind me and mass reported me (2006)

Permanently banned when I got hacked and the hackers enacted a scam on my account (2007)

Permanently banned when I attended the wilderness removal riots in Falador (2007)

Permanently banned from the Clan Leader forum after Timbo saw my comic of him, and after I told him I'd find him with a shotgun (2012)

All of these unbanns happened because of my sweet talking, and some ridiculous luck.
How many accounts survive 4 perm bans and an exile from a private forum (which is equivalent to getting P-Mod removed)
Don't try this at home kids.
I don't want to go for anything else. I don't think I'll make it through the next one.
Media and Comedy / Re: WG's hilarious pictures!
April 20, 2012, 01:36:38 AM
Real Life Discussion / Re: Cambodia 2012
April 12, 2012, 02:10:16 AM
Randy, you have a song for like, everything in life.
Seriously... you need to can a speaker installed in your chest that can play your life's soundtrack.
Real Life Discussion / Re: Cambodia 2012
April 11, 2012, 06:05:24 PM

I can officially say I've been bitten by a tiger.
I used to be an adventurer like you... then I took a tiger in the knee.

Real Life Discussion / Re: Cambodia 2012
April 11, 2012, 05:32:46 PM
I'm used to it by now. I've been to Asia at least 15 times in living memory.
I truly hate the humidity.
Real Life Discussion / Cambodia 2012
April 11, 2012, 05:26:36 PM
I tried to restrict it to my absolute favourite photos, but there were so many!
I've limited it to my top 10.

Feeding a 4-month-old tiger cub at the tiger temple. There are only four cubs, and there were only eight of us there to play with them and tend to them, so we had lots of quality time with them.[/spoiler]

Meditating under a beam of sunlight in the Tomb Raider Temple, known officially as Ta Prohm.[/spoiler]

Playing with the elephants by the Burmese border. They were spraying us and an epic water fight ensued. No points for guessing which side won between the humans and the elephants. We also got to play rodeo, where we'd sit on top of the elephants and hold onto their ears while they shook their heads and tried to toss us into the water. I managed to hang on one time out of three :P[/spoiler]

Eating a deep fried spider in Skuon, also known as Spiderville. They taste like chicken... seriously.[/spoiler]

Holding the live version of what I had just eaten. They may have been brothers. These things are so soft and furry. They are slow and don't sprint up your arms. They are gentle and loveable ♥[/spoiler]

Me standing on some human bones that had emerged after rain had washed away some of the path. At many points I was unknowingly standing on victims' clothes, bones and teeth. This was intense.[/spoiler]

Children from a small Cambodian community were dancing for us before dinner. This is a traditional coconut dance.[/spoiler]

Finding a landmine site in the middle of the Cambodian countryside.[/spoiler]

I was moved by the grace of this woman walking in this photo, amidst the poverty around her. There's a certain dignity in her expression that captivates me. The village around the lake was truly confronting. Clothing for the children was... optional. No child porn jokes please![/spoiler]

Spot the plank.[/spoiler]

Favourite pics?
House of Random / Re: Have you ever.....
April 11, 2012, 12:31:13 PM
No, but I've been overheard several times.

Have you ever seen your parents naked?
OK here's one that might stump you. This question goes to Owen as well.
Why do I get these red marks on my shoulders every time I do barbel squats or machine squats?
I use padding, no difference.

Join the Clan / Re: My Introduction
March 25, 2012, 09:05:32 AM
Hey dude, welcome to the forums, Good luck on your application and hope to know you better.
Always good to see another Aussie.
Real Life Discussion / Re: For His_Lordship!
March 23, 2012, 02:06:39 AM
Ok time to post on here finally.
I join the homo crowd... happy Kevin?
Progress as of this morning.

That's as big as I want to get, so now it's just losing all the fat.
Real Life Discussion / Re: Old Sayings
March 19, 2012, 05:30:07 AM
Don't fuck with me or you will have NOTHING LEFT!
Fuck... must watch when I get home.
Hope to God it's not taken down.
Join the Clan / Re: Paruci's App
March 18, 2012, 02:04:24 AM
Is Wez short for Wesley?
Pleased to meet you mate.
Hope to speak with you soon.
Join the Clan / Re: hat matt's registration
March 10, 2012, 04:28:09 PM
this introduction was not very thoughtful.
Please put in more effort. It takes more than that to get into WG.
Guest Lounge / Re: Inactivity Sweep 08/03/2012
March 09, 2012, 12:51:02 AM
But it was worth a shot trying.
Recruiting THAT many members will take at least 20 times longer than speaking to existing members and convincing them to get active.
Guest Lounge / Re: Inactivity Sweep 08/03/2012
March 08, 2012, 11:48:51 PM
Quote from: Colinwarrior on March 08, 2012, 10:30:07 PM
I know I've seen several of them around. A shame we had to kick them...

I too disapprove of how this was done.
Were they removed from the CC? If not, I'd like to try and get a few of them back.
Media and Comedy / Re: KONY 2012
March 08, 2012, 01:35:12 AM
I'm usually good at detecting bullshit, and a very strong part of me can sympathise with the skeptics, but there is something about this campaign that strikes me as true.
For any movement, there will always be skeptics, and let that be the case for all time.
I choose to side with Kony 2012.