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Messages - kenny

Hi all thanks for such a warm welcome.  <3

I got the combat level now just working on the correct woodcutting.

Starzhine, I shall make sure im there on the 4th in my finest lumberjack outfit.



My RuneScape Name: I swordart I
My Previous RSNs: I jiippii I

My Combat Level: 89
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: Well where to begin, I started playing around the age of 12 and was instantly hooked. I started venturing further into the game where I came across the wilderness, friends who I had met along the way helped me gain the understanding of it and taught me how to conquer foes I would come across. I got myself attached to a 5-10man group we were solid and look out for each other we grasped the understanding of luring from mage bank near where the chaos elemental rested at times luring massive clans such as Rot and di which were the major mage bank clans around that time. Dirty tactics some might say but it was all good fun none the less I then found myself taking a break from Rs only to find myself craving it again. Bounty Hunter Craters came and pking alone in those times were hard so I joined a clan called Killorgy which ran the show. I gained respect in the clan and got promoted to warlord which controlled fall ins etc etc due to exams and such I took another break from Runescape and came back not seeking any sort of clan I meet the Snackmachince lads during PVP worlds and we have stuck together since. with that being my Runescape career in a "nutshell" I really do miss the days of pking with a clan and waring/raiding.

My past clans/teams and any current teams: Killorgy , nmp

About me: The names Kenneth (23) but please do call me Kenny. I have just come to the end of my studies and about to graduate next month  :afro: love being social and occasionally overdosing on alcohol. Oh and I'm South African I moved to England at the age of 12 so I've been here for awhile also lost the accent which is a shame really.

I heard about WG through: I heard about the clan from the snackmachince lads. Amos and Chris
I want to join because: I am seeking the challenges, thrill and friendships that lay ahead. I do really miss being part of something in the game.

Regarding the IRC, I am: Not yet familiar with IRC
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: work , alcohol and women