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Messages - pink is nr1

Thanks guys  :afro:
Thanks  ^.^ Nice man  :D
Thanks  ^.^
Thanks ^^


My RuneScape Name: Pink is Nr1
My Previous RSNs: Lordti5, c ya in lummy
My Combat Level: 112
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: Started in 2006, my name means really nothing, it just cames from when I used always to bring pink boots when I was bridding and thought why not :P My favourite skills are Slayer and fishing. My favourite activities are pking, I like boss killing but nothing beats pking with a clan.

My past clans/teams and any current teams: As I said i joined SoD in 2009 and were there for like 3 years, I was active constantly, and we had up to 50 people in the clan. Like 5-6 months before EoC came out the clan really died out.

SoD I've been in. Karmic synergy (PVM) currently in.

About me: I'm 16 years old, live in Norway. My hobbies are: Whitewater kayaking, crossfitness, kettlebells, gaming, hanging out with friends, etc.. I like pop, country, countryrock, Hardwell and some more. I don't like flaming, immature/ cocky people.

I heard about WG through: Zybez
I want to join because: I really miss pking with a clan. I remember how fun it used to be, and really missing it. Warring a clan, see how many people came to pk trips, seeing those red dots on the map :P

Regarding the IRC, I am: Not yet registered (But using SwiftKit)
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: Well maybe. I'm training kettlebells 3 times a week now, because I'm going to compete in NM  (Norwegian Championship) the 7th december. So if there's a pk trip at 7 Pm - 8/9 Pm Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday, I'm sorry, but I can't join the pk trip.