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Messages - xx mewtwo xx


WG INTRODUCTION: xx mewtwo xx

My RuneScape Name: xx mewtwo xx
My Previous RSNs: Tanksmurf
My Combat Level: 97
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: i started playing runescape in 2006 a week before construction was adding in to the game, and i have been an active member of the game since 2008, I have very few things which i enjoy on the game as i class my self as a mini-gamer. which means i love to play game like Castle Wars.
I started my 07 account with the idea of becoming a Mage Tank which didnt turn out how i wanted it to, and now it has become a all round main.
My first 99 was Woodcutting back in 2010 which i spent hours on as i took the long road and cut 75-99 on magic logs.  after this cape i spent ages at soul wars to unlock my HP cape only to find out that the emote had be changed .  I have loved my time on this game and will never look back at it and say " wow that was a waste of my time."

My past clans/teams and any current teams:

About me: I first heard about WG from watching a video on youtube, but i never really thought much of it, until 02/02/2014 when one of my fav streams "Mack" told me about WG once more, as soon as i heard about you from him, i jumped at the chance to apply.

I heard about WG through: Mack
I want to join because: Its time i stopped playing with the kids and started playing with the best, as fun as it is playing Castle Wars i know its much more rewarding playing with a group of players who like to take the risk out in the wild.

Regarding the IRC, I am: Not yet registered (But using SwiftKit)
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: Im a single Dad to a 2 year old.