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Messages - Miner Smitty

House of Random / Re: Change 1-Letter Game #6
February 19, 2014, 10:57:58 PM


My RuneScape Name: Miner Smitty
My Previous RSNs: Smitty 49er
My Combat Level: 200
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: I started playing Runescape in 2005 on an account I shared with my brother (Yes, I now realize that it is against the rules to share an account, but I did not realize this at the time). I mostly just explored the map and killed goblins during my time with this account so I eventually lost interest in the game and stopped playing until I made my second account, this account, in March 2009. Since then I mainly solo pvp'd in clan wars and in the wilderness and I used my favorite skill, mining, as a source of income to afford all those rune sets I kept losing.

My past clans/teams and any current teams: The first and only clan I've joined is Subsistence, a social non-requirements community clan in 2012 and I've achieved the rank of Senior Member. The clan is great and there are friendly people there, but I feel it's dying and there's been one measly event within the past two months. We were challenged to a friendly war by the Descendant Guardians once but I believe we refused.

About me: I don't like to disclose too much information about myself on the internet (I made that mistake in my last clan) so excuse me if I seem a tad brief. I'm a male from the East Coast of the United States I love to play and watch American Football, it's one of my passions; I play Runescape for fun and to fill up my weekends when I have nothing to do; and I like to spend two hours a day minimum in the weight room (do u even?). I stress a healthy lifestyle and I refuse to drink, smoke, or do drugs.

I heard about WG through: I saw some of your recruitment videos.
I want to join because: I've never been in a warring clan and with Legacy Mode I'm hoping that there may be a few wars in the future, but even if there aren't it'd be great to actually be in a clan with an active leadership and  multiple events a month.

Regarding the IRC, I am: Not yet familiar with IRC
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Not Yet Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: