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Messages - Frostydapker



My RuneScape Name: Frostyz_420
My Previous RSNs: Gandolph114

My Combat Level: 103
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: i started playing runescape in 2003 on my first account gandolph114,i was about level 78 and 98 cooking when i got banned for something i didnt do. I then proceeded to make I C0nt4ct I, he is my maxed account in what is now known as runescape3(I dont play eoc anymore) I made my current account Frostyz_420 as my 2007 account for pking..pking is the reason i started playing 2007, that and i like the oldschool economy better.i have lots of pking experience(hybriding included) and I have defeated just about every boss in OldschoolRunescape.

My past clans/teams and any current teams:

About me: My name is Shane,Male,21,United States,Cooking/Grilling any type of food

I heard about WG through: Mojohaza1
I want to join because: You guys seem like a very well organized and obviously successful Clan. I'm looking for a clan so why not join the best?

Regarding the IRC, I am: Registered (SwiftKit user)
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Not Yet Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: