My RuneScape Name: Apoyan
My Previous RSNs:
My Stats:
About my RuneScape Account and History: I started in 2002, and have gone through several accounts. The current one I won off a bet with my brother. I consider myself a skiller at heart, and thoroughly enjoy mining/smithing. Apoyan is a combination of two names, actually. Apos is my default online name, and Ciana is my wife, so a friend smashed our names into Apoyan.
My past/current clans/teams are: I've gone through several clans/guilds, but haven't stayed with any for more than a month. As such, I can't remember the names of them, sorry.
About me: My name is John Key, male, 21 years of age, and I hail from Kentuckey originally. I'm in the US Air Force currently, in Colorado, US. Hobbies include hiking, and of course video gaming.
I heard about SG through: The member WG Babylon lives near me, he pointed it out.
I want to join because: The honor system you have makes you stand out from most clans, in my opinion.
Regarding the IRC, I am: Registered (SwiftKit user)
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Installed
Regarding future events which may impact my activity: Not that I'm aware of