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Messages - ARowdyTexan

Welcome back, Scimmy!
Achievements / Re: 99 Summoning / Max Combat
November 03, 2014, 09:09:53 AM
Good job, Mojo! Now you can destroy those Powerpuff Girls work on completely maxing out ##
Welcome to WG, friend!  ^.^
House of Random / Re: I'll just leave this here
November 03, 2014, 02:47:55 AM
Achievements / Re: First Day of Double XP Gainzzz!
November 01, 2014, 09:05:08 AM
That's pretty damn impressive, great job getting all of those levels!
Hey, John, welcome! Americans will takeover WeeGee, the prophecies are true!  :> :woeh: :nyan: ##
Welcome, Mike! Glad to see another new face and also, another American ;D.
RuneScape Discussion / Re: Broken Home in 30 Minutes
October 29, 2014, 12:02:00 PM
This was a brilliant quest for Halloween, really gave sort of a Silent Hill/Resident Evil-esque feel to the game. The first time around, it took me maybe an hour to do because I spent most of it thinking that I had to "peak" through every door, when you only need to "peak" through doors that have a mist coming out of them. I also forgot to grab the second piece of the scroll, and had to try and get to the place where you find it, being trailed by the monster.  I'm going to try to get it done in 30 minutes for that new level 85 Defence ring, it has the second best stats for any ring in the game, just behind the Ring of Death. It would be great for raids, but it is a bit costly because upon death, you re-buy at 500k from Maria.
Quote from: Wayshow on October 26, 2014, 02:19:39 AM
this isn't an application, it's a history lecture lol
wb :D

I may have overdone it slightly lol. Thanks, glad to meet you as well :)
Quote from: btraill on October 26, 2014, 01:55:39 AM
Welcome aboard!

Thanks a lot, nice to meet you :)
Quote from: Al on October 26, 2014, 01:41:58 AM
I was in the clan when TBE and TDM were our allies. :)


I believe they were still our allies when I was WG in 2010, but I remember TDM was having problems when one official started scheming against the other officials. If anyone could offer clarification on the matter, that would be great.

Quote from: Mojo on October 26, 2014, 01:28:00 AM
Quote from: ARowdyTexan on October 26, 2014, 01:20:06 AM
Holy shit, that green burns my eyes! Y u do dis, WeeGees?  O.o I'm sorry in advance to anyone who suffers from detached retinas as a result of this topic. After-warning.
Blame vio!

Ask in IRC for an interview when you want to finish off the process :)

Damn it, you had one job, Vio!
Holy shit, that green burns my eyes! Y u do dis, WeeGees?  O.o I'm sorry in advance to anyone who suffers from detached retinas as a result of this topic. After-warning.


My RuneScape Name: ARowdyTexan
My Previous RSNs: Masamune39
Interested in PvP: Yes
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: I've been playing RuneScape since about November 2004. I got into the game at the request of my friend, who had suggested that I and more of our buddies create accounts for the purpose of hanging out online after school. I didn't originally want the name Masamune39, in fact, I disliked the name greatly as it is unoriginal and doesn't sound cool at all. If they were available, I would have gone with either Sephiroth or Masamune sans 39.

After recently returning I was both relieved and shocked that I had to pick a new name. I was aware that I could simply have chosen Masamune39 again, but based on my dislike for that name, I went with ARowdyTexan.

My past/current clans/teams are: NOTE:

This is actually quite a long read, as I was feeling sentimental over my journey through the clan world. Here's a summary for anyone who doesn't want to read a sappy and slightly drunk re-telling of things:

1.) Small PK'ing team which was comprised of people that I had become close with, and also who would form different well known Sal's Realm clans.
2.) Chaos Dragon Knightz/Chaos Dragon Knights; both clans of my own invention, we were not very good at all.
3.) Descendant Guardians (2nd iteration).
4.) The Official RuneHQ Clan (TORC)
5.) Heretic Empire/Heretic Destiny (same clan, different names and minus a few people)
6.) The Death Monkeighs
7.) Blasphemy
8.) Wilderness Guardians

Well, the first time I had made an attempt at clans, it was actually in a small team of friends. We would rarely PK, but we all became really good friends. These friends would all branch out to form different clans, well known to Sal's Realm forums: Heretic Empire/Destiny and Forgotten Templars.

My first official clan was one of my own creation: Chaos Dragon Knightz/Chaos Dragon Knights. There was actually two iterations of this clan, the first when I was level 49 and the second when I was level 76. At level 49, the clan had actually gained around 30 or so members, of which only a very miniscule portion were actually serious about the clan or the game in general. At level 76, the clan finally and mercifully shut down after only recruiting three members including myself and my then co-leader XD.

My second clan actually got me even closer to the clan that I've loved since I first learned of clans. I joined Descendant Guardians at the second iteration of the clan. I remember multiple occasions where we would have joint raids with the main clan -- I remember running into Anarchy around GDZ, Rune Raiders near the Dwarves (this was a few weeks prior to the big war v.s. DS+FA). I remember the massive lag I suffered during that brutal death march to the war, I lagged out twice lol. I think the best memories I had was when we were constantly battling Reign of Terror in P2P. I was always one of the first to go due to my levels, same for most of DG. Still tons of fun, though.

After Descendant Guardians closed again, I found a temporary home with TORC (The Official RuneHQ Clan), I don't remember much about my time here, but I was for the most part becoming very inactive due to school. I left after roughly 3 weeks, and took a 2 month break from RuneScape.

Coming back to RuneScape in December of 2006, I chose to join my friends in Heretic Empire. The clan went through some inner drama, and disbanded for a while before re-opening as Heretic Destiny in January 2007. I joined Heretic Destiny at the end of January and stayed on until the middle of February, which is when I left due to reasons that I don't remember.
I was searching for another clan in late February 2007, when I happened to find a recruitment topic for The Death Monkeighs. I met their requirements and thought the clan had a funky/cool vibe to it, so I applied. This clan became the very definition of a love/hate relationship. A point that I was oblivious to while applying but quickly became aware of was the fact that this clan was split into two: a PK'ing/Warring clan and a Community clan. I had joined after TDM had won a big full-out war against Adelais, pulling maxed options against Adelais' 240 options. Adelais claimed TDM cheated by bringing friends/allies, words were had by all parties involved and thus sparked a heated, usually one sided, rivalry between the two clans.

On March 9th, 2007, we, TDM, were out on a PK trip -- when we run into Adelais at the Member's gate, near the Wilderness Ruins. Though we lost after calling it off, we fought for a solid 45 minute stretch. That was one of my favorite memories of any clan. We would later on in the summer fight alongside The British Elites against The Titans in a massive PKRI, of course The Titans won due to sheer dominance and organization. One of the last things I remember is the reason why I said previously "This clan became the very definition of a love/hate relationship".

It was still summer, and we had a planned full-out war against a clan I no longer remember. The way we worked was like this: though there was only one memberlist, anyone could choose to partake in or decline participation in a war and/or PK trip. This drove me nuts, as at this time, TDM was reaching into the high  200s as far as members went and only around or about 50-60 of the people on that memberlist were actively participating in wars/PK trips. The day of the war came and we had massed around 180 options or so (my memory gets fuzzy at this point), the clan that we faced had roughly about the same options. We ended losing the war, as the enemy clan were picking off our fall-in leaders/Warlords and there was soon no one left to make intelligent calls. After the war, needless to say, I was livid. We could have easily taken them out if we had brought a few more.

The war topic was posted to RuneScape Community, where Adelais members were already prepared to flame and mock TDM at the loss. I started getting into it with a member, and one of our Warlords stepped in and that's when I turned on him. We both made our opinions public, and I left the clan through that same war topic. Like I said, love/hate relationship.

I slipped into another period of inactivity due to school starting, only being active in raising my combat levels. I was almost talked into returning to Heretic Destiny, which I considered giving another shot until I realized that I wanted to start my own clan again. I stuck around RuneScape until mid-December 2007, after the removal of Wilderness and Free Trade, thinking that I was finally done with the game.

I would migrate back to the game after reading a few forum posts on RuneScape Community that peaked my interest in the Clan Wars Arena. It was January 2010, a little over two years since I left RuneScape. Deciding that the game sans clans was boring, I quickly looked for a clan whose requirements I met. I joined Blasphemy.

Though Blasphemy was the clan that taught me how to properly tank and call, I left the clan when I finally achieved what I had always dreamed about since the early summer of 2005: 100 F2P Combat and the ability to join the Wilderness Guardians.

I'm sure anyone here has heard it, once you are a part of the Wilderness Guardians, you never forget it. We had it all: community, wars and most of all, fun. I joined a few weeks before our war against Dangerous Business. This was my first P2P war and the first war I survived. I had a blast.

Unfortunately, I was falling out of love with the game again. I started wrestling with the idea of just walking away and hoping to never look back. I was almost successful.

For those of you who have been interacting with me or may notice a few posts that I have made in RuneScape Community, I am returning after a three year hiatus. My longest one yet. All of the updates and how they have affected the clan world have really put me in shock. Imagine if you will the following: in early December 2007, there were possibly hundreds of clans. In January of 2010, there was perhaps still a solid 50 or so. In 2014, there are roughly 10 REAL clans, split between servers. I'm not talking RSB clans, mind you; I'm talking about the clans that have been are are active in RuneScape Community. What a world...

About me: To start off, my name is Chris, I'm 23, male. I'm from the good old United States. I love bicycling and going to local shows and underground local art/music/bicycling events. I love music in a very wide range -- anything from Indie Rock, Progressive Rock, Delta Blues, Classic Jazz, '20s, 30's and 40's Swing Music/Big Band, Classical, Hip Hop, etc. My favorite band is Coheed and Cambria. I have no talents, but I am currently working on the powers of teleportation.

I've run out of things to say, ha.

I heard about WG through: To make a long story short, I clicked a download link to the war against The Unbreakables -- was fucking awesome to see at 14.
I want to join because: I've been a supporter of this clan since I was 14, this was the clan I'd always want to be a part of.

Regarding the IRC, I am: Registered (mIRC or other client user)
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: Work, getting laid.