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Messages - Skalliwag47



My RuneScape Name: Skalliwag47
My Previous RSNs:
Interested in PvP: Yes
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: Started playing in 2006 with an appetite for doing nothing :P My account was pretty bad 5 years in for having played 5 years but i eventually picked it up. I have done lots on rs3 except team pking, and would like to try it.
My past/current clans/teams are: I've been in a clan called No Bad Dayz for about 3 years, but I've never felt i really belonged.
About me: Tom :P, 16 male all music but i prefer techno

I heard about WG through: Evolution of wilderness video
I want to join because: Looking for somewhere to belong in rs :)

Regarding the IRC, I am: Not yet registered (But using SwiftKit)
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: nope


My RuneScape Name: Skalliwag47
My Previous RSNs:
Joining for PvP events: Yes
My Combat Level: 105
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: Started around 2006 on my birthday because of my brother, and my name was the name i gave to a stuffed duck when i was 5, and I'm kinda superstitious about changing it because I've changed it before and had some pretty awful luck. I really don't have much experience pvping in 07 but would love to start. I was kind of a do-nothinger on RS until about 2012, I didn't have very many accomplishments for having been playing the game 6 years. I pied pretty often on RS3 before roc though.

My past clans/teams and any current teams: The only clan I have been in, in my 8 years of playing was a clan called pvm365 about 5 months ago. One day they just disbanded :( oh well.

About me: I'm Tom :D
I'm male, 16 and am really interested in cars.
I like all music but prefer techno.
I prefer to always be in a good mood, and I love watching stand-up comedy.

I heard about WG through: I watched the Video on the evolution of the wilderness
I want to join because: I've never really played RS belonging to a community, and would like to join one.

Regarding the IRC, I am: Not yet familiar with IRC
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: nope