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Messages - DestrousDeus

Guides / Re: Wilderness Locations and Vocabulary
May 29, 2015, 03:08:51 PM
I keep these on the second screen while playing
Real Life Discussion / Re: Hey guys & gals!
May 28, 2015, 09:08:15 PM
What's her number?  :afro:

[/quote]don't worry, I persuaded him! :D
Great :DDDDD
Welcome man! You should try some PvP events though! Its a blast! Hope to see you around.
Welcome bro! Hopefully you can come to some wars!
Blogs / Osrs Destrousdeus
May 25, 2015, 02:32:13 PM
My goals and achievements.  :woeh:

99 Strength
90 strength
80 strength
70 Strength
60 Strength
75 att/def
40 att/def
Optain a DFS
KBD pet
100M cash stack.
Win a 50M stake
Hit 50 subscribers
Hit 100 subscribers
Hit 500 subscribers

Welcome brother!  :woeh: :woeh:

Finally you've chosen to stay in the clan haha.

Guides / Re: [I] TeamSpeak
May 20, 2015, 07:30:44 PM
You should change the TS password every week, It may annoy some of the members of the clan, But it's better to be safe than sorry.
Join the Clan / Re: [OSRS] DestrousDeus
May 18, 2015, 04:44:05 PM
Thanks guys! Hopefully I stay here till my Runescape Journey Ends!  :woeh: :woeh: :woeh:
My RuneScape Name: DestrousDeus
My Previous RSNs: DeathComing
Joining for PvP events: Yes
My Combat Level: 91

About my RuneScape Account and History: I started playing when I was only 9. I didn't understand the game much but I did get to combat lvl 79 in like 3 years. However I came back on the realise day, played for a month or two. Left to go play LoL then I came back and now im addicted to the game and aiming for 99 strength.
My past/current clans/teams are: RedLions (Was my own clan :nyan:)
About me: I aim for high stats that either I wont get to or I will one day. My irl name is: Alejandro. And you can call me Deus in game.

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Country: England

Hobbies: Snowboarding, wake boarding, Football, Go-Karting, Surfing, racing and gaming
Talents: Snowboarding, wake boarding, Football, Go-Karting, Surfing and racing.

Likes: OSRS  :woeh:

Dislikes: Losing a war or fight.

I heard about WG through: Youtube
I want to join because: Im intresting in doing bossing and doing wars in the wildy.

Regarding the IRC, I am: Registered (mIRC or other client user)
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: No