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Messages - LoneBeing

My RuneScape Name: Lone Being
My Previous RSNs: Warriorxe2, Murderer215, Josh6943... the list goes on.
Joining for PvP events: Yes
My Combat Level: 122
My Stats: (attached)

About my RuneScape Account and History: I've been playing this game since 2004, back when I can recall a blue partyhat on what is now EoC being 1M.  I've had a multitude of different accounts over the years, probably somewhere around 20.  My very first account on RuneScape was Warriorxe2.  I probably have been scammed 20+ times on that account, since I started playing around the age of 12.  I remember my first ever rune armour set was when I was following some people to a drop party and we were headed towards the (now Wyvern) dungeon over by Port Sarim and a lvl 13 died and dropped 350K cash.  I picked it up, practically pooped myself and ran away freaking out.  Then I purchased my first full set of rune!

I absolutely love PKing on RuneScape.  Ever since I figured out what the Wilderness was for (sadly, it took me a few years!) I have been PKing non-stop.  On RS3 I've probably claimed 30+ Armadyl godswords, 700+ abyssal whips and countless barrows items.  My favorite skill is probably ranged (even though it's only lvl 85) just because I find bow and arrow setups to be cool.  I've always wanted to go dark bow PKing but I've never had an account where I could really take advantage of a high ranged level in PvP.

In reality I have quit this game a countless number of times and permanently quit after RS3 came out.  Following up about a year later, I got the email from Jagex that they'd brought back, or were considering anyway, 2007 RuneScape.  I promptly paid for membership so that I could vote and waited around until OSRS came out.  I was disappointed in having to start my character all the way over, so after playing for a paltry month and a half, I quit again for about a year.  I started playing again in December of 2014 and have been playing almost non-stop since then (aside from League of Legends here and there).

I've got the Wilderness memorized like the back of my hand for the most part and would LOVE to finally join a PvP clan!

My past clans/teams and any current teams: I'm currently in a PvM clan and don't really see myself leaving them behind, just because I've got so many good friends in there now.  However, they don't ever go into the Wilderness, nor do they have any sort of an organized website.  Simply a clan chat on RuneScape.

About me: My name is Alex and I'm from the Midwestern part of the United States.  I'm 22 years old and like I stated previously, have been playing this game for far too long... My hobbies include cars (I own/drive a '14 WRX) and enjoy drinking a profound amount of alcohol.  I work full-time for a financial institution and am also attending university to get my bachelor's degree. I've been dating my girlfriend for 5 years and most recently moved in with her back in May of this year.  I'd like to think I'm an enjoyable person to be around and do my best to lighten the mood in any situation.  I am EXTREMELY sarcastic and enjoy a good time, so let's make it fun everyone!

I heard about WG through: I've heard of WG, but never really seen them before.  Kind of just ran across it again today while scouring the OSRS Forums.

I want to join because: I'd like to join a clan that actually cares about the game and its members.  I also want to join a clan that has good leadership while also understanding that you need to be polite to your members and offer them the ability to speak their own voice as well.  I feel as though this clan has shown that, based on what I've seen so far.

Regarding the IRC, I am: Not yet familiar with IRC
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: I have a girlfriend.  I think you all understand what that means sometimes. ;)