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Messages - Vinceder



My RuneScape Name: Vinceder
My Previous RSNs:
My Combat Level: 112
My Total Level: 1512
In the DS Clan Chat already: No

About my RuneScape Account and History: The last I played Runescape was in middleschool, and I quit about a month before Runescape 2 came out. When I heard about a full open world PvP Runescape I had to give it a try. I've been back and playing DS for a while, so I certainly have a hang of things again. I've always enjoyed games with risk pvp, as I've played  Ultima Online on and off for over 10 years. Even back when I played Runescape Classic my main character was always flagged for PvP, I remember running around pking around the Lumbridge cabbage patch with full adam except a mithril chest.

My past clans/teams and any current teams:

About me: My name is Mike, I'm 26 and from MD(USA).
My hobbies are full loot pvp MMO's (obviously).
Cars, especially super cars (even though I'll never own one)
Music, I can listen to and appreciate about any kind of music, I'm more of a fan of particular artists than a genre.
Starcraft 2, I don't play it very much anymore but I still watch and follow the pro scene when I can.
Super Smash Bros. Melee, I don't play it to much either anymore but watching high level melee is probably my favorite thing to do.

I heard about WG through: Just heard the name associated with warbands a lot.