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Messages - Genesis1



My RuneScape Name: Genesis Zerk
My Previous RSNs: Genesis Tank (different account)
Joining for PvP events: Yes
My Combat Level: 103
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: I started playing in 2005 or so. I got into pking in about 2009-ish. Before that, I mainly liked questing or doing castle wars with crappy stats.

I joined WG in 2012 under the name Genesis Tank (Behlungo on the forums). I do not have access to the forum account for some reason.

I stopped playing towards the end of 2012 seeing as I started university. I started osrs around last summer and have been playing it very casually and on/off.

I like the name Genesis and I used to be a zerk so I named my account Genesis Zerk. Didn't bother changing it since I got 75 attack/defence.

Currently, I have no motivation to play. My goal was quest cape, music cape, and all hard diaries and I have completed all of those. Looking for some more motivation to play.

My past clans/teams and any current teams: Quite frankly, all I remember is Last Alliance which I was a part of on my other account around 2011-2012, right before I joined the Wilderness Guardians.

I was briefly a member of a clan called T5C on this account but they closed down very fast.

About me: You can call me Rooz (nickname) or Genesis seeing as my real name is too hard to pronounce. I'm 21 years old and I'm from Iran. Nothing else in particular that is worth sharing. I like to be careful about giving off too much information online. I'll be happy to answer questions you have later on in the teamspeak server though.

I heard about WG through: I'm an ex-member (under forum name Behlungo)
I want to join because: I stopped playing RS a while back (2012-ish) and I had to quit the clan back then because of it. I simply want some motivation to continue playing since I re-joined OSRS about a year and a half ago.

Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: I'm currently a graduating senior at my university. I'm taking 18 credits of courses, mainly senior ones. I also have an internship coming up in summer. I will do my best to attend the bare minimum events at the very least, most likely more.