My RuneScape Name: HerbconSmith
My Previous RSNs: Memeluminati
My Combat Level: 57
My Total Level: 635
In the DS Clan Chat already: No
About my RuneScape Account and History: Back in 2008, my sister told me about a game called "Runescape". Curious, I made an account, and was instantly hooked, and have been since.
The name HerbconSmith is a joke about Warbands, which a member of a FC I frequent made a joke about changing his name to HerbconSmith. Instantly, I took him up on it, just for fun.
Contrary to my name, neither Herblore, Construction or Smithing are my favorite skills. That would go to Fishing.
My past clans/teams and any current teams: The only clan I've been in is the Zamorak Cult.
About me: My name is William, a dumb guy from Canada who likes to sit around, playing video games and listening to either shitty mashups, rap music, or rock music.
Aside from RS, my favorite games are GMOD, TF2 and Space Station 13.
I have a fantastic memory, but only for useless garbage and nothing else.
I heard about WG through: I heard about it from the DarkScape Subreddit.