My RuneScape Name: Samskeryti
My Previous RSNs:
My Combat Level: 16
My Total Level: 139
In the DS Clan Chat already: No
About my RuneScape Account and History: I started playing runescape mid-2006 and am just recently coming back after a hiatus. My favourite part of runescape has always been questing and the ambiance; I like exploring and hanging out with people. I am a reasonably high level in runescape (128) but after reading about it I feel like it's time to move over to darkscape which I have been wanting to do for a while.
My past clans/teams and any current teams: I've been in 2 clans during my time playing runescape, the first being Aus Legends in 2007-2008 which was a Pvm/community clan. The second was Aus Legacy from 2010-2011 where I took on a minor leadership role organizing events with others. Both times I quit due to study on good terms.
About me: My name is Matthew and I'm from Australia. I enjoy games, playing/listening to music, and am a bit of a coffee/alcohol snob. All round I'm pretty easy going and just enjoy talking to people both in life and when in game.
I heard about WG through: Found online in 2006, too low level to join, promptly forgot and just re-found