My RuneScape Name: SuperHashBro
My Previous RSNs: Criss x 49
Joining for PvP events: No
My Combat Level: 86
My Stats:
About my RuneScape Account and History: Well I started playing in og scape when I was about five. I've had a couple different accounts and gotten some 99s but that was a while ago. Now I spend my time becoming or trying to become much more rounded. I typically just play old school
My past clans/teams and any current teams: I was in a clan for a bit called AOD but it fell apart after some time
About me: I'm a dj out of Alabama, engineer intern, and music producer. I've played for thousands and thousands of people and opened up for a couple famous djs and producers. I like to skill in runescape and train kinda in my bored time. I used to own a shoe painting business and painted for many famous athletes
I heard about WG through: WG DeMoN
I want to join because: You guys are a very reputable clan and I would love to respresent
Regarding future events which may impact my activity: Nada