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Messages - Purple Haze

Thanks guys :)


My RuneScape Name: Purple Haze
My Previous RSNs: A Good Blunt
Joining for PvP events: No
My Combat Level: 113
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: I've been playing runescape for many years now I started in 1st grade when i would go to my friend Noahs house after school and him and his sister had a computer and i would use hers and he taught me to play way back in the day. I quit when eoc came out and I started back the first day of osrs, and I still play to this day, My favorite skill would have to be slayer if you would count that as a skill. my favorite activities are any kind of minigames, some bossing too it's a bunch of fun. I've not had anyone to play with in a very long time so I stopped playing as often but I think this would be a great clan to get into and make some friends and it would give me the potential to do things with people.

My past clans/teams and any current teams: I was in a clan with a bunch of people from 2009 - late 2011 when they all stopped logging on, I was in a clan called SIL back in the day but when the owner quit everyone sort of went their seperate ways and that's when I joined my clan in 2009, I don't remember the clans name anymore, as it's been sometime but i remember SIL because i still talk with some of them to this day that have quit. Sorry it's not that interesting, but i just haven't really been in clans since then.

About me: My Name's Josh, I'm 19 years old and still in high school, had some tough times the past few years which made it hard for me to show up because i had to pick up other priorities , but i'll be out of school within a year or two, things have gotten better since then. I live in the US, NY to be exact! I like to listen to some rock music, hip hop, some rap, but mainly oldschool rap. My hobbies are riding skateboards, bikes, spending time with family and friends and the best out of all..... playing video games, ofcourse! I like pretty much anything, i'm not a picky person.

I heard about WG through: WG Tricia
I want to join because: It seems like a fun clan to join in, a bunch of people to meet and just have a great time playing overall, i miss logging in and hanging out with people and doing stuff with them, i haven't done that really since pre eoc. it will be pretty cool to have fun like the good ol' days.

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: I Leave for vacation every july 1- 12, other than that i'm usually always available unless i have to go to work.