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Messages - Brandon

Greetings friend!!! I hope to see you around a lot and that you don't become inactive. My name is Brandon, feel free to message me on discord anytime! "Brandon" I will answer any questions you need. My RSN: Legend_Bear, my private is on; on. I will provide you with any kind of support you need. I hope you keep training and decide to get your stats up for PvP. If you need anything message me on discord in PM, Forums in DM, or just in-game. Thanks for looking into our clan and please stay active.. Check the forums a couple times a week.
Hey man, its nice to meet you! I hope you train your CMB stats and decide to come to PvP event with us to. I think you would like them. Also as I tell everyone else, feel free to contact me on discord by PM. My discord name is "Brandon" and I will be more than excited to help you. My RSN: "Legend_Bear" if you want to talk in game. Hope to see you around!!  :woeh: :woeh:
Glad you took the time to do the APP. I am sure as time goes on you will want to do some PvP events with us. My name is Brandon (in discord) and RSN is Legend_Bear. I am here if you need any type of assistance or help with clan activities. I am looking forward to hearing from you and I hope you decide to make it to the graduation level of the clan. You seem to be a nice guy!
Good Luck my friend! If you need any assistance my name is Brandon. Feel free to PM me on discord anytime with any questions!
Very nice app. I hope you train and deicede to become and PVP member. I hope to see you around. My name in Discord is Brandon and my RSN is Legend_Bear
Your app is very nice friend there are a few issues.

"To apply for PvP events as a Zerker (40 to 45 defence) and optionally non-PvP you must have:
95+ Combat with 85+ Magic and 85+ Ranged"

That is Reqs;

You need to get 14 CMB levels, You need to get 85 Range. You have the magic level. If you can get these reqs within your trial period you will be set to go. I wish you luck and I will be here to guide you through anything. Feel free to pm me here or on Discord as "Brandon".

Thanks for taking the time to come to our forums and apply. You see like a chill dude:)
Clan World Discussion / Re: Damage Inc Closes
May 12, 2017, 10:54:38 PM
DI was one of the biggest clans along with RSD, if you haven't heard of them you weren't a true player back before they ruined the game. I am sure they will be back.
Welcome I hope you deiced to become a active member and actually make it to graduation. I hope to see you around friend.
Quote from: Lait_Choco on May 07, 2017, 10:53:59 AM
Quote from: WG Genesis on May 07, 2017, 09:04:06 AM
Where's the honeymoon destination? I've heard ape atoll has ninja monkeys!
We decided to go for Mos le'harmless due the political unrest in Ape atoll.

What baby wants baby gets.
Thanks for this. I am so happy but u should of posted in house of random ;)
I hate you hackers
RuneScape Discussion / Re: Mage training
May 06, 2017, 01:02:50 AM
Thanks for giving away my money guide i sell for 5m
Grats on member of the Month! I HATE YOU but thats kinda cool :)
Nice app friend! Goodluck I hope you come and stay active :) :woeh: :woeh:
Goodluck friend! Very nice app by the way! :woeh: :woeh:
World is so bad I'm so sick of watching news and worrying about dying. Now I'm reading it here. Im gonna die and probably because north korea.
Guest Lounge / Re: Hey everyone
April 30, 2017, 03:23:59 PM
I don't remember you but I think you could of posted a little more than just about people remembering you. Maybe I could if you told me about you a little bit.. But Welcome back ! :)
Quote from: Quikdrawjoe on April 28, 2017, 12:48:03 PM
Quote from: Mojo on April 27, 2017, 11:10:46 PM
Quote from: Quikdrawjoe on April 27, 2017, 08:10:44 PM

-47 Construction

Well done on minus 47!

It's called an indent you boosted bonobo

boosted bonobo   HJAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

Bonehead I don't think that is a real name I think you made that up! =)

Quote from: Emeris6 on April 28, 2017, 11:00:15 PM
I'm welfare af, but it works

Yuck!!!! A rs3 bank :P :> :>
Welcome to Wilderness Guardians forums! I think you would be a good candidate to become a PvP member even if your not very good you would learn quick! But that is your option welcome to the clan! Let me know if you need anything friend!
5. Once posted the final step is to ask an App Manager or Adviser rank on Discord to look over your application.

Contact Mojo or a app-manager in discord to proceed to the next step. Good-luck friend!
Introduce Yourself / Re: Community Intro - WG Zemus
April 07, 2017, 04:32:53 AM
Time to rejoin :) Nice app Loyal member
House of Random / Re: Guess who will post next...
April 07, 2017, 04:08:41 AM
Yes! Damn i had first post say no but got distracted about the bombing and forgot to hit send.

Maybe a new Member? I am doing general so newer member.
Quote from: L0ot 0r D13 on April 06, 2017, 09:12:49 PM


My RuneScape Name: WG LootOrDie
My Previous RSNs: L0ot 0r d13
WG NewMember
I Grimedaily

My Combat Level: 113
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: I have been playing for over 12 years now, i got the name loot or die from looting noobs in edgeville back in the day. i have been in a few clans over the years. this account started as a dds/d scim pure i then made it into initiate pure then a zerk pure and now a main, i love the game and my favourite skill is probably slayer. i love pkingi...i also like a bit of skilling...but nothing beats a fun clan pvp trip

Joining for PvP events: Yes

My past clans/teams and any current teams: I was in AAO  against all odds as a pure and in WG last year

About me: I am from London, England..I am in my 20s and I like cars and music. i like to eat ice cream and i really enjoy a nice pair of slacks. i love pking and good times

I heard about WG through: flower bomb at GE last year
I want to join because: I want to join for good times, contribute to the community and pvm + pking trips

Anything that may impact your future activity?

Good to see another app :) Good luck friend if you need any help let me know.