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Messages - GalmirDT



My RuneScape Name: GalmirDT
My Previous RSNs: DarkThief125, Garnet_Lord
My Combat Level: 99
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: I started playing back in Runescape Classic with some friends from in a very boring computer class.  I've played on and off since then and rejoined a little after they announced Old School Runescape.  I enjoy Slayer and want to improve my OSRS character to at least the level of my RS3 one.  I want to get some skills to 99s but that seems to change daily as to which one.  I'll get one there some day.

Joining for PvP events: No

My past clans/teams and any current teams: Wilderness Guardians, back in 2004 on and off again till 2010, Recruited by a man named Peacefulcalm.

I know there was a couple small joins in between that didn't stick, but I cannot remember their names.  It's been a while, I'm sorry.

About me: I'm Jason, I'm 27 and live in the State of Pennsylvania in the United States.  I'm currnetly engaged, planning to get married sometime in the next year or so.  I also have two cats.

My current hobby is playing this game again, and DBZ Dokkan Battle, and other games if I have the time.  Time is currently tied up by two different jobs because I like money.  I currently work for a Home Retailer as a Design Specialist and also work at a Church as Maintenance, so time for me to Play is somewhat limited, but I try and squeeze a little in on a day off.

I like pizza and soft kitties.
I dislike wet socks and shoes, as well as burnt pizza.

I heard about WG through: Friend - SamuraiJM/Omnisniper, His Lordship (He wrote a song about me.)
I want to join because: I have been playing more and more of Old School Runescape lately and it's kinda boring doing it by yourself.  As much as I like catching up on shows I've missed by watching them as I play, I'd like company and some friends to play with as I go about. 

WG also has a special place in my heart as the clan I first joined.  I've not kept tabs on what has been going on, but I've talked with a few people over the years and I'm part of some old boys Facebook group for WG past and present.  So it kinda felt like a fun idea to give it a shot to see if I could join up, even just for some people to chat at and a couple events to romp around at with some folks.  Hopefully make a few friends in the process too, and maybe connect with some older ones I've lost touch with.

Anything that may impact your future activity? I work alot, and I have stupid hours.  I'll try my best though!