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Messages - soreil

Gaming / Re: Favorite video games of all time.
March 04, 2012, 10:41:07 PM
Soldier of Fortune 2, especially the multiplayer demo they released with only 1 map
Rollercoaster tycoon
Red Orchestra 2
Sim City 3000
SIm City 4
Pokemon Red,snap,yellow,silver
Some of the older Mario games
Starcraft 2
Red Alert 2
Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars

In no particular order.
Real Life Discussion / Re: £4 Laptop Fans
March 04, 2012, 10:37:22 PM
Why are your fans all along the bottom? Wouldn't a single / 2 fans for the CPU and (if any) GPU do just fine?
1. What is your current Runescape username, and what are your past usernames if any?
diana soreil, my old username was vonder1 which I ditched when the option came to choose a different display name.

2. Tell us about your RuneScape account and history (e.g. when you started, what your RSN means, favourite activities etc.):
I started playing RS in late 2003, like many players I was introduced to the game by friends and I got hooked on it quite quickly. Until early 2007 I played very actively together with one of my friends and we mainly focused on PKing. My old RS name was chosen by me but I never intended to use it. It was the name of a chain of schools my little brother went to at the time and I had created the account for him. His English was horrid and I had to help him every step of the way and after a matter of hours it was basically just another of my accounts. I decided to stick with this one for the next few years but never liked the name.
My current name should be Dianna Soreil which is the name from a character from the anime Turn A Gundam. 12 character limit wouldn't allow it though.
I have not enjoyed the game a lot since early 2007 but some of it returned in 2010 when I started to enjoy some skills a bit more most notably Dungeoneering which I got up quite high. After seeing the Wilderness video I started to relive some memories of the fun I had pking with clans in deep wild and decided to make a return to runescape.

3. Tell us about yourself (Name (if you are comfortable), gender, age, country, hobbies, music, talents, likes and dislikes):
My name is Sjon Kosse, I am a 20 year old Dutch freelance programmer(sounds nicer than unemployed) in my spare time I enjoy working with computers both hardware and software wise, I also have a very big interest in programming but would never think about doing it as a full time job since I enjoy it way too much to have that joy ruined. My main tastes in music have gone all over the place in the past few years, at first it was mainly rock(most of it classified as classic rock) and later it moved to quite loud metal subgenres. These days it is mainly Japanese music and a lot of it from anime series which I like to watch, I still listen to a small selection of the bands I enjoyed listening to as a teen the main ones being ACDC, Pantera, CoF and Creedence.

4. How did you hear about us and what makes you want to join WG or DG? Also, which of these two clans are you applying for?
I'm applying for WG, I heard about WG years ago but at the time I preferred Dutch clans and more casual PK teams. The most likely spot where I heard about WG was tip.it or zybez

5. If you have been in other clans before, what clans were they and what was your involvement with them?
Luna and HoF, for both clans I was just a regular member. Both clans are nothing like what they were at that time anymore and HoF disbanded years ago.

6. Have you read, understood and agree to abide by the rules of this clan?
I have and will.