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[color=green][Accepted][/color] A [Re]Introduction

Started by NiirB, October 26, 2012, 09:16:14 PM

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About You and Your Account

1. What is your current Runescape username, and what are your past usernames if any?
The last different one was Zerg RushPVM but that was months ago...
2. Tell us about your RuneScape account and history (e.g. when you started, what your RSN means, favourite activities etc.):
My rsn is just my name read backwards with a additional "i". I am a lover of "strange pures" and I had many from level 28s using d claws to (what this account was before). A level 45 hitting you with a obby maul while wearing dragon armour. Right now its a range tank "in making" since my range level is still quite low...
3. Tell us about yourself (Name (if you are comfortable), gender, age, country, hobbies, music, talents, likes and dislikes):

4. How did you hear about us and what makes you want to join WG or DG? Also, which of these two clans are you applying for?
DG. First of all I was a member of this clan early this year but due to strange stuff happening irl I felt the clan without infroming anyone etc...  I hear about the clan a few times over the internetz but I never had any big interest in it. After the "viral video" I was inspired to join the clan since I never was much  into claning (except for the spam "join my clan xxxx" in cw area and then having large scale fights).

Your PvP Experience

5. What Multi-combat PvP Experience do you have? Be sure to mention any recent or past F2P or P2P PvP Clans you have been in.
I consider myself a decent f2p pker and a bad p2p pker (I spend to much time going into the wild with high risk items and then dying to a rusher using dclaws or a pure using his trusty dragon schim T_T) I have little (but some) multi experience.
No clans.
6. Our warring times are usually between 4PM EST/9PM GMT and 6PM EST/11PM GMT on weekends, but sometimes weekdays, can you regularly be active at these times?
Weekends yes most of the time (rarely when I have debate turnaments they seem to drag out into the night >.>").
Weekdays, completely depends on how much homework/stuff to study I have...
7. Do you understand that some PvP Events are Mandatory if you are online, and that you face removal from the clan should you blatantly skip these events?
Yes, yes I do.

Your Activity and Availability

8. Do you agree to check WG Forums daily and be on IRC at all times while you are in game, and to be on Teamspeak for all Wars and Raids? (Please note, these are third party programs, but clans have been using them for years and are crucial to our success, as such they ARE a requirement.  Further details can be provided on request.)
I find this not to be a problem.

9. Is there anything in the near future that may impact your activity or ability to attend events?
I'm a world of Warcraft player so the first clears of the raids could possibly prevent me from doing so as they are usually on the same time as your wars but I'm sure I can make a agreement to get moved to the Friday raid team.


Welcome back! :D

You missed out question 3 ;)
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Welcome back, look forward to seeing you in Irc :)


Hello! Welcome back to WG/DG


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