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Dumb jag is gay

Started by Moheb, November 22, 2012, 10:48:01 PM

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God i set jag on account but forgot answers for questions. Ik 2 of the 3 questions they asked me. Now i cant get in my account. Emailed jagex never got reply :/



That's very annoying. I almost forgot one of mine but I got it at the third attempt.
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i might just disable it if i get it tmrw morning then make new ones and write down the questions and answeres


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I dont use JAG. Just dont use he same pass for other rs sites and forums and dint get keylogged andratted. Also no cheesy pron, clicking shite links or saying your password backwards ingam. Follow this and JAG is not needed.
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Goodwill is no easy symbol of good wishes. It is an immeasurable and tremendous energy, the atomic energy of the spirit.

Disclaimer: Most things I say are either sarcastic or dark humour, don't take what I say seriously.


JAG is awesome... I love it.

If you're going to make an account and attach questions to it that comprise its integrity; why forget/use ones you will not remember?


i have to wait ANOTHER 24 hours :(

Mister Kyle