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[color=red][Declined][/color] [SG] Echliurn

Started by Echliurn, August 02, 2013, 09:36:52 PM

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My RuneScape Name: Echliurn
My Previous RSNs: Cosmic Pope, Dave Bodom, Echliurn
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: I'd just like to say here this, essentially, is an introduction to get myself known to the community, i've recently moved to a new flat, and lack the internet connection to play properly, but i intend on joining, whilst i have access to the internet via my phone and a low connection dongle i can make a forum presence known before ingame.  I plan on being a part of the 07 game and EOC, but i cannot totally remember my 07 levels, my PC died but i have the inteif it isnt i'll get it there, so i'm doing a SG app currently as im around 2360 total.

But anyway;

I started in 2002 with some school friends, times went on and i was one of the few who continued playing, i never really hid it so in school i was a minor celebrity to the younger players, something i'm not embarrased about, but yeah, around 2004 i entered the "RSC/Zybez" clan world and have been with it ever since, essentially part of the DI crowd where i easily became most known.  At some point in 2005 i maxed out melee (Combat later early 2007) and became a staker, boxing and whip/dds, i never really gained a fame in the staking world but i've duelled, beat, lost to and became friends with many names, around this time i also developed a friendship with Stokenut where my knowledge of WG came from originally.

I quit playing the game when DI closed, but always came back due to my inability to leave the game unmaxed, something i still return for, i'm loyal to what can be a good community and enjoyable environment and i have a feeling i can find that here.  

I wont lie, i dont know much about the new runescape, i played the beta and essentially skilled whilst playing my xbox, i restarted 07 also, the nostalgia was good, but my PC unfortunately died and i fell behind.

My past/current clans/teams are: I'll try my hardest here, its been a decade essentially.

The Devils - I had a few ingame friends who joined here, and i followed, my introduction to clanning, pking, warring, and all of that sort of thing.  Was a good eye opener to what was actually available in runescape as a game but sadly they died shortly after.

The Dynasty - My friends went DI but at the time, i didnt, there's no reason why, i heard from one of them TD where a decent clan so i tried it, i didnt care enough to be a dedicated member and left.

Dragonwood - An rl friend was in them, i joined, i didnt stay long but it was fun, i was a good friend towards the clan up until there closure many many years after.

Corruption - The rl friend from DW moved on, i joined him, it was fun, i helped out start the p2p pking movement but many holdbacks and the general public view of flaming pushed me away.

Damage Inc - Late 2005 i finally joined, i had just maxed my melee and decided it was time, i joined with little exposure to the clan itself, something i do hold close to my friends who managed to help me, at some point near the end of 2006 i discovered WOW, i was involved with exams, my time just dissolved.

ROT - Upon return i discovered my good friends had quit the game or joined the enemy, ROT, i tried it, it was fun but it wasnt for me.

Divine Forces - Being in ROT gave me a bad image to my Ex-CLan, i tried rejoining DI but a few disliked i had "accepted" RoT, known as RL flamers etc, and refused giving me a chance of redemption, so i went with some other friends to DF.  Dark Slayers died about 7 months into my tenure there, and due to being DI during the heated time, i couldnt stand it, i let Trx Despair and Da Killmasta use my forum account and eventually left to rejoin DI.

Damage Inc - I was here again for two years, i went to university and became real life friends with a few members including Bibbleboy, Null Strikes etc, and failed at maintaining a balanced life and was removed for inactivity.

VR - Di died upon my return to a regular lifestyle, so i tried VR but couldnt keep up with the 10+ hour fights, so i messaged Evizu and that was that.

Rejuvenation - Di reopened as a spin off, i was living with Null so we rejoined, was going well but the clan closed.

RSB clans - I genuinely cant remember the names, but i joined two at most, i despised RSC' attitudes and wanted to skill and enjoy myself, so i did up until i quit.


DI - As soon as Di announced it was reopening i had my application typed, i wont lie, i couldnt wait, but i rejoined, and it isnt the same, i've spent 9 years around that community and it isnt the same, originally the old crowd where back, but that died fast, i saw a lot of what youd call, propaganda talk, dissing the new generation joining, and it seems to fit, my PC died finally after years of abuse to it and i was removed for inactivity, annoyingally a week later a retired rank was put in for the females and close friends, i somehow didnt qualify, i'd call it bitterness, but i generally hate how the game has gone on that side of things.  

About me: I'm Dave, i'm 23, from England, i'm into gaming, movies, art and music.

I'm a massive sci-fi fan, heavy/death metal fan and take life as it comes.  I currently work at a friends parents' factory packing blinds but on the side am pushing for a career in the game/film industry as a concept artist, i'm also working with 3DS MAX, Maya, Fusion and Nuke to push my skills  further than simply matte painting and drawing a pretty alien.

I enjoy most things, i can be vocal about hates, but who isnt? I have a few tattoos, including a star wars sleeve, over the top? Maybe, but its a huge influence on my life from a career standpoint.  I collect 360 games, by accident and have started since last year to try get a decent gamescore, i only sit at 35k currently but i havent had too much time to go into it, i have 244 360 games and 39 ps3, so i have time.

I know it might seem odd i'm applying here, but i grew out of the fully fledged indepth hardcore aspect, i loathe the playerbase that live and breathe this game that has no real winner, i enjoy a true community, with friends, who actually just care about having a laugh, and WG has always gave me that impression.

I heard about SG through: His Lordship
I want to join because: Community.

Regarding the IRC, I am: Registered (SwiftKit user)
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: Still waiting on the internet being set up in my new flat.  Introing until then.


Well it seems like your trying to compete with me for most clans ever =)
Yes we are known for our community more than anything, and if thats what you want, you will have it here :)

Hope to see you around, and you can get the 07/RS3/EOC stuff worked out when you get your net set up :)
And you'll have to go to #wg_lobby to go through our interview phase to complete your application whenever you can :)

:) If you need anything feel free to PM one of us :)


That's an impressive clan history Dave!

Welcome to our forums and I hope to see you in IRC so we can chat further once your internet is set up properly.
New WG Forums


[spoiler=Awards and Older Sigs]



Quote from: Echliurn on August 02, 2013, 09:36:52 PM
I know it might seem odd i'm applying here, but i grew out of the fully fledged indepth hardcore aspect, i loathe the playerbase that live and breathe this game that has no real winner, i enjoy a true community, with friends, who actually just care about having a laugh, and WG has always gave me that impression.

I hope it does. :)

Welcome, amazing app, very glad to have you with us.
"Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible; and then suddenly you are doing the impossible." -St. Francis of Assisi


Runner-up, Best Staff Member, Summer 2012 :-)

RIP other Summer award :<

(Shared w/ Mojo & 7PB)



I think you will enjoy the SG community, no one really takes it serious anymore, just here for fun and a chitchat. and mebe bank loot but nah

Member since 8-8-8


"Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible; and then suddenly you are doing the impossible." -St. Francis of Assisi


Runner-up, Best Staff Member, Summer 2012 :-)

RIP other Summer award :<

(Shared w/ Mojo & 7PB)



Hey pal.
Seen your name around RSC.

Hope you enjoy it here.
Here since 2010 - Retired in 2013

Goodwill is no easy symbol of good wishes. It is an immeasurable and tremendous energy, the atomic energy of the spirit.

Disclaimer: Most things I say are either sarcastic or dark humour, don't take what I say seriously.


Quote from: Al on August 03, 2013, 11:25:52 AM
Dude 244 Xbox 360 games... O_O

Yeah, don't really know how it happened, i got a 360 off my girlfriend 2 christmas' ago and got a few games which pushed me back into console gaming after neglecting it for the decade or so i was jumping between MMO's (Which leave you with no time to play other games lol), got a job next to a GAME store which then started going into admission and having friends who worked there meant i was getting tons of games every weekly payday cheap for 6-7 months until GAME was saved and prices went back to normal.  Now i just buy every few weeks depending on the deals i find lol.

Sucks trying to get the time to play them though.


Seen your name around a lot, hope to see it more around here. Welcome!

I am the one who bends!
WG for 7+ years


"Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible; and then suddenly you are doing the impossible." -St. Francis of Assisi


Runner-up, Best Staff Member, Summer 2012 :-)

RIP other Summer award :<

(Shared w/ Mojo & 7PB)



Still looking too, phoning for the internet tomorrow, not sure if its the site or just my phone but for the past week or two every time i trid to load it said the website was unreachable, seems okay now though.


Our site was down most of last week unfortunately.

Anyway, hop into IRC and track down a member of staff to finish your app off :P
New WG Forums


[spoiler=Awards and Older Sigs]



Welcome, impressive clan history.
See you around  :3