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To Jagex, From The RuneScape Community

Started by Jawn, July 30, 2012, 01:03:37 AM

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Other than a select few updates, RuneScape has gotten continuously better over the years.

This happens whenever any major change happens anywhere ever.  People get all nostalgic about the "good old days".  I'm glad that when I'm fighting dragons, the graphics are now better than that of the original Half-Life game which came out over 10 years ago.

EoC will bring a fresh and far more interesting perspective to combat.  Some people might hate on me for saying this, but if you don't like this new combat system, I'm guessing it's because you won't be able to afk as much (or at least afking won't get you xp as fast as people using all their abilities).  In other words, you're just being lazy.

Part of the reason people like my good friend Vephyrus got bored and left the game is because all he had left to do was boss, and every new boss was always mastered within weeks of release and then became a boring task.  I don't think that will be the case anymore.


I agree with the video and I also agree with Zach. If Runescape were to suddenly become 2006 right now you'd be surprised with how bored you get. It was great for its time. That being said there are still MANY things Jagex can fix about RS 2012. I think Jagex could use the simplicity/interaction of RS 2006 and combine it with 2012 mechanics/graphics.

I am the one who bends!
WG for 7+ years