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[color=green][Accepted][/color] Son of a God's Application.

Started by Son of a God, October 08, 2012, 05:45:28 AM

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Son of a God

1. What is your current Runescape username, and what are your past usernames if any?

Son of a God

2. Tell us about your RuneScape account and history (e.g. when you started, what your RSN means, favourite activities etc.):

I started back in 2006, My runescape name was created to portray the character of a protector to those who are in need. My favorite activity is anything that helps someone, and pking.

3. Tell us about yourself (Name (if you are comfortable), gender, age, country, hobbies, music, talents, likes and dislikes):

My name is Roderick, i'm a guy, 18, in USA. I currently write a manga, and i compose film scores. I'm not exactly sure what i like myself haha besides the normal things. I dislike talking too much. I'm sorta anti social to people i haven't gotten to know or talk to. Also i'm very shy ( a habit i try hard to break!).
4. How did you hear about us and what makes you want to join WG or DG? Also, which of these two clans are you applying for?

After personally searching for a decent clan on the RS forums i found you to be the only suitable clan worth anyone's time. Um is it possible to apply for both? I haven't done any research on DG so i'd have to go for WG by default. I wanted to join this clan to have someone to enjoy the game with, and pk.

Your PvP Experience

5. What Multi-combat PvP Experience do you have? Be sure to mention any recent or past F2P or P2P PvP Clans you have been in.

I've been pking since i made my account. I've never joined any clan before. This will be the first.

6. Our warring times are usually between 3PM EST/8PM GMT and 5PM EST/10PM GMT on weekends, but sometimes weekdays, can you regularly be active at these times?

I have too much free time on my hands. Especially since i'm taking online college courses.

7. Can you stock up on 10 sets of Full Rune as well as an equal amount of F2P Mage and Range sets? This only applies to applicants of WG.  Your gear will be checked via trade screen when you are being invited to the CC in game. - Please note a comprehensive list of the required items is posted as a sticky in the 'Join the Clan' Forums


8. Do you understand that all PvP Events are Mandatory if you are online, and that you face removal from the clan should you blatantly skip these events?

I've got your back.

Your Activity and Availability

9. Do you agree to check WG Forums daily and be on IRC at all times while you are in game, and to be on Teamspeak for all Wars and Raids? (Please note, these are third party programs, but clans have been using them for years and are crucial to our success, as such they ARE a requirement.  Further details can be provided on request.)

Indeed. Gotta keep up proficiency right?

10. Is there anything in the near future that may impact your activity or ability to attend events?
Not anything virtual.


Welcome Roderick! Whenever you're ready hop into our IRC channel for an interview. :)
"Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible; and then suddenly you are doing the impossible." -St. Francis of Assisi


Runner-up, Best Staff Member, Summer 2012 :-)

RIP other Summer award :<

(Shared w/ Mojo & 7PB)


Son of a God

This may sound silly but... How do i communicate with anyone in the IRC? This is my first encounter with it.

Raging Mage2

Click image for achievement thread!

#1 In Heaven's Slayer Challenge (2mil exp in 1 month)

Originally WG 16/05/06


Hi roderick, welcome. :)

Click the chat button above to get in irc. ;)
New WG Forums


[spoiler=Awards and Older Sigs]



Welcome to the community! You seem like a very good guy!

Your personality describes how I used to be a few years ago. No worries -- with time you will find solutions to your shyness.

If you have any questions or concerns in regards to connecting/setting up IRC; do not hesitate to send me a personal message over the forums.  :woeh:


Already accepted him a while after he applied. Wanted to leave it open for replies. :)

"Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible; and then suddenly you are doing the impossible." -St. Francis of Assisi


Runner-up, Best Staff Member, Summer 2012 :-)

RIP other Summer award :<

(Shared w/ Mojo & 7PB)
