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[color=green][Accepted][/color] [07] Grand Pooba

Started by Grand Pooba, March 22, 2015, 03:56:45 PM

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Grand Pooba


My RuneScape Name: Grand Pooba
My Previous RSNs: TheFastestBro
Joining for PvP events: No
My Combat Level: 95
My Stats:

About my RuneScape Account and History: Runescape has been a part of my life since around 2006. As an active player of RS up until the hacking of my account, I had racked up close to a year of time played. At around 2011 I had lost my main on RS and was no longer able to play without making a new account. However, the release of oldschool brought me right back to my roots. I made a new account and have been devotedly playing it ever since. Right now, my primary goals on oldschool revolve around getting a quest cape. I have 227 points and have around 10 quests left. I like the PvP aspect of Runescape, but my account is just not set up to pk and I prefer to skill, pvm, and quest at this time. I have a group of friends I play with, but I want to join a community that I can grow with.

My past clans/teams and any current teams:

About me: My name is Justin and I'm a 19 year old from the U.S. I work in retail and I am a full time student. Gaming and developing are my free time go-to's. I'm a computer science major with a focus in networking. I make a bit commitment to my education and it always takes priority over the games I play. However, I am generally excellent at managing my time. I often find myself changing based on the environment I'm around. I have the tendency to shape my behaviors based on the people I'm with, which could be a good or bad thing. My closest friends would call me loyal, but a jackass. I can't say I disagree. Overall, I just enjoy delving into a new environment and meeting new people.

I heard about WG through: Youtube
I want to join because: This clan just seems like a very structured environment that will help me grow with it. I want to enjoy a game I love with others who share the passion, all while have the versatility to choose what I want to do in the game.

Regarding the IRC, I am: Not yet familiar with IRC
Regarding TeamSpeak 3, I have: Not Yet Installed

Regarding future events which may impact my activity: Only if they interfere with school/work.


Great effort put into your application. PM me in IRC to get your interview. Welcome to the community!
Joined as Initatiate Guardian on December 29, 2014
Graduated to Guardian on January 10, 2015
Member of the Month January 2015
Promoted to Event Master on March 8, 2015

Promoted to Application Manager on May 9, 2015

Hall of fame:



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Welcome Justin, very nice application. Hang around in irc and you'll get to know everyone :)


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