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Semi's Intro :D

Started by Lindsay, October 14, 2011, 01:09:41 AM

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1. Is this introduction for the Wilderness Guardians or Descendant Guardians?
Wilderness Guardians

2. Tell us about your RuneScape history and your account (e.g. when you started, what your RSN means, favourite activities etc.) :
Well I started playing about three years ago had a few name changes over time, I really just pick names I find interesting. Favourite things to do are questing/pking anything that gives a good flow of money, enjoying Temple Trekking a fair bit atm. Prefer to do things in a group though.
3. Tell us more about yourself (Age, country/state, gender, hobbies, music, skills, likes and dislikes):
Name's Lindsay I'm 17 I live in Australia I'm male, hobbies include Runescape, soccer, chilling with mates and I just finished school woo hoo well kinda :P. Music tastes are very varied but I love Dead By April, Red, Muse, The Rasmus, Disturbed and many more as I said varied :). I like a lot of things, only thing I really dislike is disrespect.

4. How did you hear about us and what makes you want to join WG or DG:
A clan member Dat Zemus pmed me after he/she saw I was looking for a clan. It looks like a stable clan, with good organisation and community.

5. Are there any current WG or DG members who you already know:
Not really Dat Zemus has been a great help though.

6. Any additional comments:
If you wanna talk just pm me :)


Btw zemus is a moose and he's a boy moose <3
Lindsay is a pretty rare boy name :O
Yay for Aussie unit getting stronger :3



Hey lindsay good to see you've decided to join us :)

Which part of Australia are you from?@ I'm near Sydney ##
Oh and I've played soccer for about 7 years as well, and listen to Muse/Red/Disturbed :3 Went to the muse concert in Sydney last year, was awesome

lol anyway good luck with joining, message me if you need anymore help!


Another Aussie! Aweosme to see, welcome to the community :D

I set the standard.


Thanks guys :), Zemus I live in Newcastle which is bout 1 and a half to 2 hours out of Sydney, 1 hour if you speed enough. One of my mates went to that concert for her brother's birthday last year :)

His Lordship

I'm from Perth. Good to know that we have a fellow Aussie joining the ranks.
Welcome dude, look forward to meeting you.


You are most welcome to WG. We do love our community, from irc, to fc and cc in game to, TeamSpeak and fun times in our citadel. I am looking forward to getting to know you.

Again welcome





I'm starting to think I died and went to Heaven or something! Anyway, welcome to WG!

If you have any questions don't be hesitant to ask!