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What was your "OMG WHATS UNDER THE BED" when you where young?

Started by General199, November 04, 2011, 04:50:32 PM

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Mine was snakes. I was always scared that a deadly snake would be waiting under my bed for me to get up and go somewhere. I hate snakes as it is, this just made it worse lmao.


The ankle grabber.

It was from a book about this creature who lived under your bed and grabbed your ankles when you were getting into bed then dragged you into a portal to another dimension.

I took running jumps onto my bed til I was 16.


Panda|Vulcan and Armybuilder, His Lordship and Vio and Patty and Owen - Biggest Bromances - Winter Fun Awards 2013
Owen and Dat Zemus - Most likely to be playing Runescape in 5 years - Winter Fun Awards 2013[/spoi


You see, I planned well for that.
I got one of those beds with the drawers underneath for all my toys.
Anything wanted to come at me, they'd have to deal with my lego army first.


For me it was the 7 PM man.
My mother kept telling me stories of kids who got taken away for passing their 7pm curfew.
That story scared the shit out of me as a kid, I realized it was bullshit when I got older.
Take me to church
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife
Offer me that deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life

Taken❒ Single❒ Mad✔
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Here he kneels, the one who doesn't need to, for those who do need to.
Bold, handsome and straight up awesome.


Not sure, didn't really suffer this bad. My brother for the early years - as we had bunks lol.


Quote from: General199 on November 04, 2011, 04:50:32 PM
Mine was snakes. I was always scared that a deadly snake would be waiting under my bed for me to get up and go somewhere. I hate snakes as it is, this just made it worse lmao.
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Goodwill is no easy symbol of good wishes. It is an immeasurable and tremendous energy, the atomic energy of the spirit.

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If anyone has ever watched detective conan
the "mysterious black people", the villains as they appear before they are revealed  (NO NOT BEING RACIST  :@)
i was terrified of them lol


Mine was also an ankle grabber. Then one night, I said fuck this, looked under my bed was nothing but books and games. I lol'd, but it didn't last to long till something new came up. Gremlins were another one. Oh god .. don't get me started  :fp:
-->Joey FucKing BoTzZ<--

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Da Kno


For me, so long as the sheets and blankets were all tucked in tight and no part of my body hung over anywhere on the bed I was safe! Oh the sheet had to be over my head. The monster down under there could not get me.  :>  :| :'(

I used to not have to do much to make my bed because everything was tucked in so tightly. :>




I was never afraid of anything under my bed but I remember when I saw this movie, can't remember the name, but it had some crazy asian kid that screamed like a cat. Whenever I turned over in bed or whenever I opened my eyes, I thought the asian could would be there,

Abs L

Wg Council & Secondary Leader - 21/10/07 to 24/12/08
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Quote from: Bassism on November 04, 2011, 05:00:02 PM
The ankle grabber.

It was from a book about this creature who lived under your bed and grabbed your ankles when you were getting into bed then dragged you into a portal to another dimension.

I took running jumps onto my bed til I was 16.

Although, not til 16...
Man up Owen :/


Giant Spiders :/ not like the rs ones, like giant black furry and slimy


The Evil Dust Bunnies.

It was all my grandmas fault cause she would scare me of the dust bunnies.  Then when I would ask randomly other people if there were dust bunnies under the beds, it only made it way worse.  My dad would vacum under my bed when I wouldn't sleep.