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jagex fail that saved me some time in dg!

Started by granitecrab, May 05, 2012, 09:00:03 PM

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pain in the ass glitch me and my buds found out about that allows you kill stomp in the last stage of healing b4 he died or heals up. takes some expert timing and Skype. i was not recording it but i did git a pic. out of the 12 time we got stomp we only did this glitch 1 time, and weighting with a comp mouse is hard as fuck?!?!

i'm going on a adventure!


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Quote from: Mojohaza1 on May 05, 2012, 09:01:42 PM
reported for bug abuse ;)
i reported it to fagex so dw someone has to test there game. =D

i'm going on a adventure!


You just put g8s infront of the rocks, the ggs and your own g8. And then you can mine the rocks L

I set the standard.

