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Started by Keith, August 08, 2012, 10:04:21 PM

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Might as well put this forum to use; what's your daily/weekly fitness routine when/if you have one? Or what do you do to stay in shape if you don't exactly have a routine? This can be used to check out what other people are doing, and maybe even get some inspiration for yourself to form a routine, or alter an existing one. Feel free to ask any questions about results and such from anyone that posts their own routine.

Personally I don't have a strict training program I follow right now, but I bike at least 7 miles a day (commuting) and walk several miles worth during work. That's just what happens every day, before I actually exercise.

Currently I LOOSELY follow this schedule, change it whenever I feel like it.

Monday: Flying 100's: works best on the track. Working on leg turnover, jog 300m's very slow but with great form. Then tag 100m's hard, fast but controlled (like 13-15 seconds) repeat the 300/100m sequence for a total of 8 times.

Tuesday: 1 hour run @ 7:00-7:15 pace

Wednesday: 4 x 1200m repeats @ 5:28 pace with 5-7 minute rests in between. As the training goes on decrease the rests but not the interval times, eventually reaching just 1-2 minute rests.

Thursday: 1 hour run @ 7:00-7:15 pace


Saturday: Tempo run. 30 minute. 2 minutes hard (slightly faster than 5K race pace (5:20)) 1 minute slow and easy(8:00-9:00). Repeat 2/1 sequence for a total of 30 minutes.

Sunday: Maintenance run of 3-5 miles @ 6:30-7:00 per mile pace.

This is just because I'm getting ready for a 7 mile race this coming weekend and a 5k in less than a month(Intend to win it). I loosely follow it because I also am preparing for a marathon in late october, so my sunday run usually ends up being 15 miles or more, at around 7:00-7:30. Some days I do a totally different pace than called for; for example I went to do the 1 hour run the other day, intended to go slow and relax and go for 9 miles at 8:00 per mile, and I got carried away.. ended up doing 9 miles in under an hour!

Aside from that I also weightlift occasionally, not with too too much frequency because my primary focus is running - I have a daily bodyweight ab workout that I should be doing/ do sometimes as well. After I finish the 5k I signed up for I'm gonna increase my mileage to 70-80 miles a week and do maybe one sprint workout a week and have everything else over 8 miles, with the long run being around 20. I'll loosely follow training schedules suggested in the corresponding mileage section of the book "Advanced Marathoning." I want to qualify for the boston marathon with the next one I do!



Aka, i have no routine. I was about 10 stone 9 at the least check, I just don't eat much and I do fuck all to exercise except some Tennis a few times a week. During term time I cycle 30mins each way to uni.
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Tues: FBW
Thurs: FBW
Sat: FBW

Cardio err'day biking/running



Tuesday: Hockey

Wednesday: Hockey



Saturday: Hockey


i gud.
Here since 2010 - Retired in 2013

Goodwill is no easy symbol of good wishes. It is an immeasurable and tremendous energy, the atomic energy of the spirit.

Disclaimer: Most things I say are either sarcastic or dark humour, don't take what I say seriously.


Wii Fit and Zumba every other day


Panda|Vulcan and Armybuilder, His Lordship and Vio and Patty and Owen - Biggest Bromances - Winter Fun Awards 2013
Owen and Dat Zemus - Most likely to be playing Runescape in 5 years - Winter Fun Awards 2013[/spoi


Back to the single life so back to getting back into form somewhat  ##

Day 1 - Legs
Day 2 - Chest & Triceps
Day 3 - Off day (Cardio)
Day 4 - Back & Biceps
Day 5 - Shoulders & Calves

Cardio is included in all days as well
Flame Reece - Most Likely to be WG in 2020 - Winter Fun Awards 2013


Monday: Runescape
Tuesday: Runescape
Wednesday: Runescape
Thursday: Runescape
Friday: Runescape
Saturday: Runescape
Sunday: Runescape. Jk lol church...Runescape.

"Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible; and then suddenly you are doing the impossible." -St. Francis of Assisi


Runner-up, Best Staff Member, Summer 2012 :-)

RIP other Summer award :<

(Shared w/ Mojo & 7PB)





I take Sundays off.

