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[07]Guide to Tanking

Started by Zemus, June 20, 2013, 10:10:03 AM

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Mooses guide to Tanking

Since we have an influx of a lot of new members who are new to the warring scene (as well as old members returning who may be a little rusty) i have decided to put together a tanking guide!

Section I: Pre-Tanking
In this section I will cover stuff you can do to increase your chance or survival before you even get piled.

- Do not stand out.
This is aimed at mages/rangers. In a random scrap in the wilderness, or planned fights where multi spells are on ignore this, since you'd want to be spread out in those situations, but for single-spell only fights this is highly important.
Why? If you're a Mage, you are a very valuable to us, and thus, a very high target to the opposing clan. By standing out and not blending in with our pile it makes you a very easy target for them to transition to.
What you need to be doing is Freeze our pile, then follow them before attacking so that you're always with our melee group.

- Conserve your run.
This isn't as important in P2P since you can take a super energy with you if need be, but in F2p this is a must. If you have no run energy and you get piled then you will get dropped very quickly. You should aim to always be above 60% energy at all times for this matter. Everyone should have 2+ styles anyway, so simply walk and switch to mage/range if you need to preserve energy.

- Beware of Snipers.
If you get sniped during a fight, put on your tank gear (and pray if necessary), and they should go away. Always make sure to top off your health afterwards incase you get piled soon after.

Section II: Tanking
As soon as you notice that you're the pile, you have literally around 2-3 seconds (varying on enemy KO power) to react before you get dropped.
Do this in the following order, as quick as you can.

1) Put your tank gear on (this includes phoenix necklace)

2) Prayer up. Use your own personal judgement based on their styles as to what you pray, but as a go-to you'll want Melee prayer and piety/steel skin.

3) Start running and eating your food.

For P2P, you can eat half a pizza*, a shark and dose of sara brew in one game tick. This is crucial for p2p tanking, as you can heal 45 health at once.
If you can master that, then tanking in p2p is a joke.
- Remember to keep clicking on your phoenix necklaces in your bag whilst tanking so that you always have one on, they are life savers.

Effective Hugging
Whilst tanking, you should aim to "hug" the enemy pile around any walls, trees or rocks to get them stuck on the other side. This does a number of things:
- Wastes their run, making it harder to pile effectively as well as harder for them to tank.
- A lot of their meleers won't be hitting you, reducing the amount of damage you take drastically.
- If you can hook them around walls, and get a good drag off you can preserve a lot of your food, and sometimes they'll even drop off you and call a different pile.

If you're low on run, you can even just hug around a smaller object. This won't waste their run, and is generally less effective, but is still a lot better than not moving at all.


If anyones has any questions or needs further help, don't be afraid to post on this topic or ask me in private.



Awesome guide. Great info. Look easy. Solid. Right. Keep us all posted on your continued tanking with any new info pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' long, quickly, easily and stronk you can get. Thanks for the motivation.


Panda|Vulcan and Armybuilder, His Lordship and Vio and Patty and Owen - Biggest Bromances - Winter Fun Awards 2013
Owen and Dat Zemus - Most likely to be playing Runescape in 5 years - Winter Fun Awards 2013[/spoi


useful guide, thanks Zemus :)
New WG Forums


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Great post moose, tanking advice from a master. Keep it up  :D

Member since 8-8-8

Mami Tomoei

actually this is really useful :o Moose power at its best. Highlights important things at the top.

PS add in "Turn ur sound on" "Hear 2+ atks on you, get ready!"


Good guide :) This should be a required reading for all members.


Quote from: Mami Tomoei on June 20, 2013, 03:10:53 PM
actually this is really useful :o Moose power at its best. Highlights important things at the top.

PS add in "Turn ur sound on" "Hear 2+ atks on you, get ready!"

Yeah i was going to add that in (+ auto retaliate off) but figured they were pretty obvious ones, since we always remind people to set them whenever we step in the wilderness


Paint skills es itz best #1.

Nice Guide but i would do a Map of how to Walk when you have to Tank from tree to tree since we Never had a war at GDZ yet.


Quote from: Jrkd on June 21, 2013, 05:07:13 AM
Paint skills es itz best #1.

Nice Guide but i would do a Map of how to Walk when you have to Tank from tree to tree since we Never had a war at GDZ yet.

I can do the different warring locations if need be, but as long as people understand the concept of how to hug/tank then they should be able to do it at any location. I just chose to use gdz as an example since its probably the easiest.


Its up to you, but i think tanking at GDZ is way more easy then @ Tree to Tree since Gdz has way more obstacels and easier ways that they lose pile on you then at Tree to Tree. I can help by doing some screens for the location if u want to


now i just need 99 def,hp and prayer lol jk
but awesome guide hop this helps people not to get droped


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