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Runner's Knee

Started by Wayshow, May 12, 2014, 05:24:43 PM

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I've had runner's knee for the last few months. Can't get rid of it. Stretching doesn't seem to be helping.
Haven't run more then a mile for too long. I feel lame



Stop running for a few weeks?
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Mister Kyle

Have you tried turning it off and back on?


Aside from rest run on low contact things like grass, but don't trail run on anything that's really technical. Mostly rest.  Also if your shoes are old or weird get different ones.



Seriously consider your long term health...regular pounding of the knees and intense competition can lead to early onset of arthritis (as early as your 30s).


Hello Doctor Patrick here, I prescribe being a lazy cunt and sitting on runescape all day :-).


Just use the elliptical

Swim. Do weight base upper body training, just avoid leg day for as long as possible.

Member since 8-8-8


Go to a chemist get mersyndol
Buy a carton of beer

Life = easy

This Babylon


Dude this shit sucks, deal with it generally on a daily basis. Remember PRICE (protection rest ice compression elevation) for the next couple of days with a MILD workout once maybe every 2 or 3 days just to keep your strength up if you are feeling it. and sit on ass and grind. Running is exp waste anyways.


I've been swimming for the past week to keep up with exercise....the pain only comes back if I do impact sports :/